
Langue: en

Version: 314589 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)




r.in.bin allows a user to create a (binary) GRASS raster map layer from a variety of binary raster data formats.

The -s flag is used for importing two's-complement signed data.

The -h flag is used to read region information from a Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) type binary header. It is compatible with GMT binary grid types 1 and 2.

The north, south, east, and west field values entered are the coordinates of the edges of the geographic region. The rows and cols field values entered describe the dimensions of the matrix of data to follow. If input is a GMT binary array (-h flag), the six dimension fields are obtained from the GMT header. If the bytes field is entered incorrectly an error will be generated suggesting a closer bytes value.

r.in.bin can be used to import numerous binary arrays including: ETOPO30, ETOPO-5, ETOPO-2, Globe DEM, BIL, AVHRR and GMT binary arrays (ID 1 & 2)


If optional parameters are not supplied, r.in.bin attempts to calculate them. For example if the rows and columns parameters are not entered, r.in.bin automatically calculates them by subtracting south from north and west from east. This will only produce correct results if the raster resolution equals 1. Also, if the north, south, east, and west parameters are not entered, r.in.bin assigns them from the rows and columns parameters. In the above AVHRR example, the raster would be assigned a north=128, south=0, east=128, west=0.

The geographic coordinates north, south, east, and west describe the outer edges of the geographic region. They run along the edges of the cells at the edge of the geographic region and not through the center of the cells at the edges.

Eastern limit of geographic region (in projected coordinates must be east of the west parameter value, but in geographical coordinates will wrap around the globe; user errors can be detected by comparing the ewres and nsres values of the imported map layer carefully).
Western limit of geographic region (in projected coordinates must be west of the east parameter value, but in geographical coordinates will wrap around the globe; user errors can be detected by comparing the ewres and nsres values of the imported map layer carefully).

Notes on (non)signed data:

If you use the -s flag the highest bit is the sign bit. If this is 1 the data is negative, and the data interval is half of the unsigned (not exactly).

This flag is only used if bytes= 1. If bytes= is greater than 1 the flag is ignored.



The following is a sample call of r.in.bin to import GTOPO30 DEM data:

r.in.bin -sb input=E020N90.DEM output=gtopo30 bytes=2 north=90 south=40
east=60 west=20 r=6000 c=4800

(you can add "anull=-9999" if you want sea level to have a NULL value)


The following is a sample call of r.in.bin to import a GMT type 1 (float) binary array:

r.in.bin -hf input=sample.grd output=sample.grass

(-b could be used to swap bytes if required)


The following is a sample call of r.in.bin to import an AVHRR image:

r.in.bin in=p07_b6.dat out=avhrr c=128 r=128


The following is a sample call of r.in.bin to import ETOPO2 DEM data (here full data set):

r.in.bin ETOPO2.dos.bin out=ETOPO2min r=5400 c=10800 n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 bytes=2
r.colors ETOPO2min rules=terrain


The following is a sample call of r.in.bin to import SRTM30 PLUS data:

r.in.bin -sb input=e020n40.Bathmetry.srtm output=e020n40_topex bytes=2 north=40 south=-10 east=60 west=20 r=6000 c=4800
r.colors e020n40_topex rules=etopo2


r.out.bin, r.in.ascii, r.out.ascii, r.in.arc, r.out.arc, r.in.gdal, r.out.gdal


Jacques Bouchard, France (bouchard@onera.fr)
Bob Covill, Canada (bcovill@tekmap.ns.ca)
Man page: Zsolt Felker (felker@c160.pki.matav.hu)

Last changed: $Date: 2007/02/08 11:23:14 $

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