
Langue: en

Version: 2009-03-31 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


xdotool - command-line X11 automation tool


xdotool cmd args...


xdotool lets you programatically (or manually) simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.

There is some support for Extended Window Manager Hints (aka EWMH or NetWM). See the ``EXTENDED WINDOW MANAGER HINTS'' section for more information.


key keystroke
Type a given keystroke. Examples being ``alt+r'', ``Control_L+J'', ``ctrl+alt+n'', ``BackSpace''.

Generally, any valid X Keysym string will work. Multiple keys are separated by '+'. Aliases exist for ``alt'', ``ctrl'', ``shift'', ``super'', and ``meta'' which all map to Foo_L, such as Alt_L and Control_L, etc.

Example: Send the keystroke ``F2''
 xdotool key F2

keydown keystroke
Same as above, except only keydown events are sent.
keyup keystroke
Same as above, except only keyup events are sent.
type something to type
Types a series of letters. In order, as fast as possible.

Example: to type 'Hello world!' you would do:
 xdotool type 'Hello world!'


mousemove x y
Move the mouse to the specific X and Y coordinates on the screen
mousedown button
Send 'mouse down' for the given button. 1 == left, 2 == middle, 3 == right, etc.
mouseup button
Send 'mouse up for the given button
click button
Send mousedown followed by mouseup for the given button
Outputs the x, y, and screen location of the mouse cursor. Screen numbers will be nonzero if you have multiple monitors and are not using Xinerama.


search [options] somestring
Search for windows with titles, names, or classes matching somestring. The output is line-delimited list of X window identifiers

The options available are:

--onlyvisible - Show only visible windows in the results.
--title - Match against the window title
--name - Match against the window name
--class - Match against the window class

The default options are "--title --name --class"
getwindowfocus [-f]
Prints the window id of the currently focused window.

If the current window has no WM_CLASS property, we assume it is not a normal top-level window and traverse up the parents until we find a window with a WM_CLASS set and return that window id.

If you really want the window currently having focus and don't care if it has a WM_CLASS setting, then use 'getwindowfocus -f'

windowsize [options] windowid width height
Set the window size of the given window

The options available are:

--usehints - Use window sizing hints when setting width and height. This is useful on terminals.

Example: To set a terminal to be 80x24 characters, you would use: "xdotool windowsize --usehints windowid 80 24"
windowmove windowid x y
Move the window to the given position
windowfocus windowid
Focus the window
windowmap window_id
Map a window. In X11 terminology, mapping a window means making it visible on the screen.
windowraise window_id
Raise the window to the top of the stack. This may not work on all window managers.
windowunmap window_id
Unmap a window, making it no longer appear on your screen.


These commands follow the EWMH standard. See the section ``EXTENDED WINDOW MANAGER HINTS'' for more information.
windowactivate windowid
Activate the window. This command is different from windowfocus: if the window is on another desktop, we will switch to that desktop. It also uses a different method for bringing the window up. I recommend trying this command before using windowfocus, as it will work on more window managers.
Output the current active window. This command is often more reliable than getwindowfocus.
set_num_desktops number
Changes the number of desktops or workspaces.
Output the current number of desktops.
set_desktop desktop_number
Change the current view to the specified desktop.
Output the current desktop in view.
set_desktop_for_window window_id desktop_number
Move a window to a different desktop.
get_desktop_for_window window_id
Output the desktop currently containing the given window.


The following pieces of the EWMH standard are supported:
Asks the window manager what is supported
Query and set the current desktop. Support for this enables these commands: "set_desktop", "get_desktop".
Query and set what desktop a window is living in. Support for this enables these commands: "set_desktop_for_window", "get_desktop_for_window".
Allows you to query and set the active window by asking the window manager to bring it forward. Support for this enables these commands: "windowactivate", "getactivewindow".


xprop(1), xwininfo(1),

Project site: <http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool>

Google Code: <http://semicomplete.googlecode.com/>


Please send questions to xdotool-users@googlegroups.com. File bugs and feature requests at the following URL:



xdotool was written by Jordan Sissel.

This manual page was written originally by Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> for the Debian project (but may be used by others). It is maintained by Jordan Sissel.