
Langue: en

Version: 281317 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)

BSD mandoc


keynote - a trust-management system library


Fd #include <sys/types.h> Fd #include <regex.h> Fd #include <keynote.h>
 struct environment
     char               *env_name;
     char               *env_value;
     int                 env_flags;
     regex_t             env_regex;
     struct environment *env_next;
 struct keynote_deckey
     int   dec_algorithm;
     void *dec_key;
 struct keynote_binary
     int   bn_len;
     char *bn_key;
 struct keynote_keylist
     int                     key_alg;
     void                   *key_key;
     char                   *key_stringkey;
     struct keynote_keylist *key_next;
Ft int Fd keynote_errno ; Ft int Fn kn_init void Ft int Fn kn_add_assertion int sessid char *assertion int len int flags Ft int Fn kn_remove_assertion int sessid int assertid Ft int Fn kn_add_action int sessid char *name char *value int flags Ft int Fn kn_remove_action int sessid char *name Ft int Fn kn_add_authorizer int sessid char *principal Ft int Fn kn_remove_authorizer int sessid char *principal Ft int Fn kn_do_query int sessid char **returnvalues int numvalues Ft int Fn kn_get_failed int sessid int type int seq Ft int Fn kn_cleanup_action_environment int sessid Ft int Fn kn_close int sessid Ft int Fn kn_query struct environment *env char **returnvalues, int numvalues char **trusted, int *trustedlen, int numtrusted char **untrusted, int *untrustedlen, int numuntrusted char **authorizers, int numauthauthorizers Ft char ** Fn kn_read_asserts char *array int arraylen int *numassertions Ft int Fn kn_keycompare void *key1 void *key2 int algorithm Ft void * Fn kn_get_authorizer int sessid int assertid int *algorithm Ft struct keynote_keylist * Fn kn_get_licensees int sessid int assertid Ft int Fn kn_encode_base64 unsigned char const *src unsigned int srclen char *dst unsigned int dstlen Ft int Fn kn_decode_base64 char const *src unsigned char *dst unsigned int dstlen Ft int Fn kn_encode_hex unsigned char *src char **dst int srclen Ft int Fn kn_decode_hex char *src char **dst Ft char * Fn kn_encode_key struct keynote_deckey *dc int iencoding int encoding int keytype Ft int Fn kn_decode_key struct keynote_deckey *dc char *key int keytype Ft char * Fn kn_sign_assertion char *assertion int len char *key char *algorithm int vflag Ft int Fn kn_verify_assertion char *assertion int len Ft void Fn kn_free_key struct keynote_deckey * Ft char * Fn kn_get_string char * Fd Link options: -lkeynote -lm -lcrypto


For more details on KeyNote see RFC 2704.

keynote_errno contains an error code if some library call failed. Failed calls return -1 (if their return value is integer), or NULL (if their return value is a pointer) and set keynote_errno The defined error codes are:

Some memory allocation or usage error was encountered.
Some syntactic or logical error was encountered.
One of the arguments referred to a nonexistent structure or entry.

If no errors were encountered, keynote_errno will be set to 0. This variable should be reset to 0 if an error was encountered, prior to calling other library routines.

The main interface to KeyNote is centered around the concept of a session. A session describes a collection of policies, assertions, action authorizers, return values, and action attributes that the KeyNote system uses to evaluate a query. Information is not shared between sessions. Policies, credentials, action authorizers, and action attributes can be added or deleted at any point during the lifetime of a session. Furthermore, an application can discover which assertions failed to be evaluated, and in what way, during a query.

For those applications that only need to do a simple query, there exists a single call that takes as arguments all the necessary information and performs all the necessary steps. This is essentially a wrapper that calls the session API functions as necessary.

Finally, there exist functions for doing ASCII to hexadecimal and Base64 encoding (and vice versa), for encoding/decoding keys between ASCII and binary formats, and for signing and verifying assertions.

The description of all KeyNote library functions follows.

Fn kn_init creates a new KeyNote session, and performs any necessary initializations. On success, this function returns the new session ID, which is used by all subsequent calls with a Fa sessid argument. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY .

Fn kn_add_assertion adds the assertion pointed to by the array Fa assertion , of length Fa len in the session identified by Fa sessid . The first argument can be discarded after the call to this function. The following flags are defined:

Mark this assertion as ultimately trusted. Trusted assertions need not be signed, and the Fa Authorizer and Fa Licensees fields can have non-key entries.

At least one (trusted) assertion should have POLICY as the Fa Authorizer . On success, this function will return an assertion ID which can be used to remove the assertion from the session, by using kn_remove_assertion3. On failure, -1 is returned, and keynote_errno is set to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found, Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the assertion was syntactically incorrect, or Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated.

Fn kn_remove_assertion removes the assertion identified by Fa assertid from the session identified by Fa sessid . On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND .

Fn kn_add_action inserts the variable Fa name in the action environment of session Fa sessid , with the value Fa value . The same attribute may be added more than once, but only the last instance will be used (memory resources are consumed however).

The Fa flags specified are formed by or'ing the following values:

In this case, Fa value is a pointer to a function that takes as argument a string and returns a string. This is used to implement callbacks for getting action attribute values. The argument passed to such a callback function is a string identifying the action attribute whose value is requested, and should return a pointer to string containing that value (this pointer will not be freed by the library), the empty string if the value was not found, or a NULL to indicate an error (and may set keynote_errno appropriately). Prior to first use (currently, at the time the attribute is added to the session environment), such functions are called with KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_INITIALIZE as the argument (defined in keynote.h) so that they can perform any special initializations. Furthermore, when the session is deleted, all such functions will be called with KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_CLEANUP to perform any special cleanup (such as free any allocated memory). A function may be called with either of these arguments more than once, if it has been defined as the callback function for more than one attribute.
In this case, Fa name is a regular expression that may match more than one attribute. In case of conflict between a regular expression and a ``simple'' attribute, the latter will be given priority. In case of conflict between two regular expression attributes, the one added later will be given priority. A callback function should never change the current KeyNote session, start/invoke/operate on another session, or call one of the session-API functions.

The combination of the two flags may be used to specify callback functions that handle large sets of attributes (even to the extent of having one callback function handling all attribute references). This is particularly useful when the action attribute set is particularly large.

On success, keynote_add_action3 returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found, Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the Fa name was invalid (e.g., started with an underscore character) or was NULL or Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated.

Fn kn_remove_action removes action attribute Fa name from the environment of session Fa sessid . Notice that if more than one instances of Fa name exist, only the one added last will be deleted. On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and keynote_errno is set to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session or the attribute were not found, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the name was invalid. If the attribute value was a callback, that function will be called with the define KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_CLEANUP as the argument.

Fn kn_add_authorizer adds the principal pointed to by Fa principal to the action authorizers list of session Fa sessid . The principal is typically an ASCII-encoded key. On success, this function will return 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found, Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the encoding was invalid, or Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated.

Fn kn_remove_authorizer removes Fa principal from the action authorizer list of session Fa sessid . On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found.

Fn kn_do_query evaluates the request based on the assertions, action attributes, and action authorizers added to session Fa sessid . Fa returnvalues is an ordered array of strings that contain the return values. The lowest-ordered return value is contained in Fa returnvalues[0] , and the highest-ordered value is Fa returnvalues[numvalues - 1] . If Fa returnvalues is NULL the Fa returnvalues from the previous call to kn_do_query3 will be used. The programmer SHOULD NOT free Fa returnvalues after the call to kn_do_query3 if this feature is used, as the array is not replicated internally. On success, this function returns an index into the Fa returnvalues array. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found or the authorizers list was empty, Er ERROR_SYNTAX if no Fa returnvalues have been specified, or Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated.

Fn kn_get_failed returns the assertion ID of the Fa num'th assertion (starting from zero) in session Fa sessid that was somehow invalid during evaluation. This function is typically called after kn_do_query3 is used to evaluate a request. Fa type specifies the type of failure the application is interested in. It can be set to:

to indicate interest in any error.
for syntactic or semantic errors.
for memory-related problems.
if the assertion could not be cryptographically verified.

These values are defined in keynote.h. An application can then delete the offending assertion using kn_remove_assertion3. For example, to remove all assertion whose signature failed, an application could do something like:

   while ((assertid = kn_get_failed(sessid, KEYNOTE_ERROR_SIGNATURE, 0)
          != -1)
     kn_remove_assertion(sessid, assertid);

On success, kn_get_failed3 returns an assertion ID. On failure, or when no assertion matching the given criteria is found, it returns -1 and set keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND .

Fn kn_cleanup_action_environment removes all action attributes from the action environment of session Fa sessid . It returns 0 on success.

Fn kn_close closes session Fa sessid and frees all related resources, deleting action attributes, action authorizers, and assertions. On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the session was not found.

Fn kn_read_asserts parses the string Fa array of length Fa arraylen and returns an array of pointers to strings containing copies of the assertions found in Fa array . Both the array of pointers and the strings are allocated by Fn kn_read_asserts dynamically, and thus should be freed by the programmer when they are no longer needed. Fa numassertions contains the number of assertions (and thus strings in the returned array) found in Fa array . On failure, this function returns NULL and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if Fa array was NULL Note that if there were no assertions found in Fa array , a valid pointer will be returned, but Fa numassertions will contain the value zero on return. The returned pointer should be freed by the programmer.

Fn kn_keycompare compares Fa key1 and Fa key2 (which must be of the same Fa algorithm ) and returns 1 if equal and 0 otherwise.

Fn kn_get_authorizer returns the authorizer key (in binary format) for assertion Fa assertid in session Fa sessid . It also sets the Fa algorithm argument to the algorithm of the authorizer key. On failure, Fn kn_get_authorizer returns NULL and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND .

Fn kn_get_licensees returns the licensee key(s) for assertion Fa assertid in session Fa sessid . The keys are returned in a linked list of Fa struct keynote_keylist structures. On failure, Fn kn_get_licensees returns NULL and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND .

Fn kn_query takes as arguments a list of action attributes in Fa env , a list of return values in Fa returnvalues (the number of returnvalues in indicated by Fa numvalues ) , a number ( Fa numtrusted of locally-trusted assertions in Fa trusted (the length of each assertion is given by the respective element of Fa trustedlen ) , a number ( Fa numuntrusted of assertions that need to be cryptographically verified in Fa untrusted (the length of each assertion is given by the respective element of Fa untrustedlen ) , and a number ( Fa numauthorizers of action authorizers in Fa authorizers . Fa env is a linked list of Fa struct environment structures. The Fa env_name , Fa env_value , and Fa env_flags fields correspond to the Fa name , Fa value , and Fa flags arguments to kn_add_assertion3 respectively. Fa env_regex is not used. On success, this function returns an index in Fa returnvalues indicating the returned value to the query. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to the same values as kn_do_query3, or to Er ERROR_MEMORY if a trusted or untrusted assertion could not be added to the session due to lack of memory resources. Syntax errors in assertions will not be reported by Fn kn_query .

Fn kn_encode_base64 converts the data of length Fa srclen contained in Fa src in Base64 encoding and stores them in Fa dst which is of length Fa dstlen . The actual length of the encoding stored in Fa dst is returned. Fa dst should be long enough to also contain the trailing string terminator. If Fa srclen is not a multiple of 4, or Fa dst is not long enough to contain the encoded data, this function returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_SYNTAX .

Fn kn_decode_base64 decodes the Base64-encoded data stored in Fa src and stores the result in Fa dst , which is of length Fa dstlen . The actual length of the decoded data is returned on success. On failure, this function returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_SYNTAX , denoting either an invalid Base64 encoding or insufficient space in Fa dst .

Fn kn_encode_hex encodes in ASCII-hexadecimal format the data of length Fa srclen contained in Fa src . This function allocates a chunk of memory to store the result, which is returned in Fa dst . Thus, this function should be used as follows:

   char *dst;
   kn_encode_hex(src, &dst, srclen);

The length of the allocated buffer will be (2 * srclen + 1). On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY if it failed to allocate enough memory, Er ERROR_SYNTAX if Fa dst was NULL

Fn kn_decode_hex decodes the ASCII hex-encoded string in Fa src and stores the result in a memory chunk allocated by the function. A pointer to that memory is stored in Fa dst . The length of the allocated memory will be (strlen(src) / 2). On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY if it could not allocate enough memory, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if Fa dst was NULL or the length of Fa src is not even.

Fn kn_encode_key ASCII-encodes a cryptographic key. The binary representation of the key is contained in Fa dc . The field Fa dec_key in that structure is a pointer to some cryptographic algorithm dependent information describing the key. In this implementation, this pointer should be a Fa DSA * or Fa RSA * for DSA or RSA keys respectively, as used in the SSL library, or a Fa keynote_binary * for cryptographic keys whose algorithm KeyNote does not know about but the application wishes to include in the action authorizers (and thus need to be canonicalized). The field Fa dec_algorithm describes the cryptographic algorithm, and may be one of KEYNOTE_ALGORITHM_DSA KEYNOTE_ALGORITHM_RSA or KEYNOTE_ALGORITHM_BINARY in this implementation.

Fa iencoding describes how the key should be binary-encoded. This implementation supports INTERNAL_ENC_PKCS1 for RSA keys, INTERNAL_ENC_ASN1 for DSA keys, and INTERNAL_ENC_NONE for BINARY keys. Fa encoding describes what ASCII encoding should be applied to the key. Valid values are ENCODING_HEX and ENCODING_BASE64 for hexadecimal and Base64 encoding respectively. Fa keytype is one of KEYNOTE_PUBLIC_KEY or KEYNOTE_PRIVATE_KEY to indicate whether the key is public or private. Private keys have the string KEYNOTE_PRIVATE_KEY_PREFIX (defined in keynote.h) prefixed to the algorithm name. On success, this function returns a string containing the encoded key. On failure, it returns NULL and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if the Fa dc argument was invalid, Er ERROR_MEMORY if it failed to allocate the necessary memory, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the key to be converted was invalid.

Fn kn_decode_key decodes the ASCII-encoded string contained in Fa key . The result is placed in Fa dc , with Fa dec_algorithm describing the algorithm (see kn_encode_key3), and Fa dec_key pointing to an algorithm-dependent structure. In this implementation, this is an SSLeay/OpenSSL-defined Fa DSA * for DSA keys, Fa RSA * for RSA and X509-based keys, and a Fa keynote_binary * for BINARY keys. Fa keytype takes the values KEYNOTE_PUBLIC_KEY or KEYNOTE_PRIVATE_KEY to specify a public or private key, where applicable. On success, this function returns 0. On failure, it returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the key or the ASCII encoding was malformed.

Fn kn_sign_assertion produces the cryptographic signature for the assertion of length Fa len stored in Fa assertion , using the ASCII-encoded cryptographic key contained in Fa key . The type of signature to be produced is described by the string Fa algorithm . Possible values for this string are SIG_RSA_SHA1_HEX SIG_RSA_SHA1_BASE64 SIG_RSA_MD5_HEX and SIG_RSA_MD5_HEX for RSA keys, SIG_DSA_SHA1_HEX and SIG_DSA_SHA1_BASE64 for DSA keys, SIG_X509_SHA1_HEX and SIG_X509_SHA1_BASE64 for X509-based keys. No other cryptographic signatures are currently supported by this implementation. If Fa vflag is set to 1, then the generated signature will also be verified. On success, this function returns a string containing the ASCII-encoded signature, without modifying the Fa assertion . On failure, it returns NULL and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_NOTFOUND if one of the arguments was NULL Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the Fa algorithm , the Fa key , or the Fa assertion (if signature verification was requested) was invalid.

Fn kn_verify_assertion verifies the cryptographic signature on the assertion of length Fa len contained in string Fa assertion . On success, this function returns SIGRESULT_TRUE if the signature could be verified, or SIGRESULT_FALSE otherwise. On failure, this function returns -1 and sets keynote_errno to Er ERROR_MEMORY if necessary memory could not be allocated, or Er ERROR_SYNTAX if the assertion contained a syntactic error, or the cryptographic algorithm was not supported.

Fn kn_free_key frees a cryptographic key.

Fn kn_get_string parses the argument, treating it as a keynote(4) (quoted) string. This is useful for parsing key files.




keynote(1), keynote(4), keynote(5)
``The KeyNote Trust-Management System, Version 2''
M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, A. D. Keromytis, Internet Drafts, RFC 2704.
``Decentralized Trust Management''
M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, J. Lacy, 1996 IEEE Conference on Privacy and Security
``Compliance-Checking in the PolicyMaker Trust Management System''
M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, M. Strauss, 1998 Financial Crypto Conference
Web Page


Angelos D. Keromytis (


The return values of all the functions have been given along with the function description above.


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