
Langue: en

Version: 112760 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


perdr - Portable Executable ReaDeR


perdr [-b|--bytes] [--help] [--version] [--show-priority] [--raw-dump] [--extract-icon-resource] [--disable-3dnow] [--disable-enh3dnow] [--disable-pentium3] [--disable-athlon] [--show-headers] [--show-imports] [--show-relocations] [--show-exports] [--show-resources] [--show-code] file


Perdr analize the executable file, disassemble it and print disassembled code.
-b, --bytes
Print bytes in disassembly listing.
Print usage screen and exit.
Print version number and exit.
Show disassembly priority.
Instead of disassembly program print a dump with program addresses.
Extract icon into separate files (resicoX.ico).
Don't handle 3D Now! instructions.
Don't handle Enhanched 3D Now! instructions.
Don't handle Pentium III instructions.
Don't handle Athlon instructions.
Show headers in output.
Show imports in output.
Show relocations in output.
Show exports in output.
Show resources in output.
Show code or dump in output.


The program start scanning code in many manners. The manners are called prioritys because it scan first the most probable alternative.

secure code - most probably code

entry point
code executed by entry point
safe export
code executed by known export (not yet implemented)
safe heuristics
code executed by heuristics (very sure code)

not secure - not very sure

export code
executed by export (mmm.. not all export are code)
heuristics code
executed by heuristics (not very sure, like a single call found)
only a constant in code
only printed for completion
this is not code
check only
wow! If you find there is a bug


This is my first man page and is incomplete, so this section is not compiled :-)


Frediano Ziglio <>