
Langue: en

Version: 8 January 2006 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


recollindex - indexing command for the Recoll full text search system


recollindex -h
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] [ -z ] [ -m ] [ -w <seconds> ] [ -D ] [ -x ]
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] -i <filename [filename ...]>
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] -e <filename [filename ...]>
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] -l
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] -s <lang>
recollindex [ -c <configdir> ] -S


The recollindex utility allows you to perform indexing operations for the Recoll text search system.

The -c option specifies the configuration directory name, overriding the default or $RECOLL_CONFDIR.

There are several modes of operation.

The normal mode will index the set of files described in the configuration file recoll.conf. This will incrementally update the database with files that changed since the last run. If option -z is given, the database will be erased before starting.

If option -m is given, recollindex is started for real time monitoring, using the file system monitoring package it was configured for (either fam, gamin, or inotify). This mode must have been explicitly configured when building the package, it is not available by default. The program will normally detach from the controlling terminal and become a daemon. If option -D is given, it will stay in the foreground. Option -w <seconds> can be used to specify that the program should sleep for the specified time before indexing begins. The default value is 60. The daemon normally monitors the X11 session and exits when it is reset. Option -x disables this X11 session monitoring (daemon will stay alive even if it cannot connect to the X11 server).

recollindex -l will list the names of available language stemmers.

The other modes are useful mainly for testing.

recollindex -i will index individual files into the database. The stem expansion databases will not be updated.

recollindex -e will erase data for individual files from the database. The stem expansion databases will not be updated.

recollindex -s will build the stem expansion database for a given language, which may or may not be part of the list in the configuration file. If the language is not part of the configuration, the stem expansion database will be deleted at the end of the next normal indexing run. You can get the list of stemmer names from the recollindex -l command. Note that this is mostly for experimental use, the normal way to add a stemming language is to set it in the configuration, either by editing "recoll.conf" or by using the GUI indexing configuration dialog.
At the time of this writing, the following languages are recognized (out of Xapian's stem.h):

english Martin Porter's 2002 revision of his stemmer
english_lovins Lovin's stemmer
english_porter Porter's stemmer as described in his 1980 paper

recollindex -S will rebuild the phonetic/orthographic index. This feature uses the aspell package, which must be installed on the system.


recoll(1) recoll.conf(5)