
Langue: en

Version: 2008-11-20 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Apache::LogRegex - Parse a line from an Apache logfile into a hash


This document refers to version 1.5 of Apache::LogRegex, released November 20th 2008


   use Apache::LogRegex;
   my $lr;
   eval { $lr = Apache::LogRegex->new($log_format) };
   die "Unable to parse log line: $@" if ($@);
   my %data;
   while ( my $line_from_logfile = <> ) {
       eval { %data = $lr->parse($line_from_logfile); };
       if (%data) {
           # We have data to process
       } else {
           # We could not parse this line



Designed as a simple class to parse Apache log files. It will construct a regex that will parse the given log file format and can then parse lines from the log file line by line returning a hash of each line.

The field names of the hash are derived from the log file format. Thus if the format is '%a %t \``%r\'' %s %b %T \``%{Referer}i\'' ...' then the keys of the hash will be %a, %t, %r, %s, %b, %T and %{Referer}i.

Should these key names be unusable, as I guess they probably are, then subclass and provide an override rename_this_name() method that can rename the keys before they are added in the array of field names.

Constructors and initialization

Apache::LogRegex->new( FORMAT )
Returns a Apache::LogRegex object that can parse a line from an Apache logfile that was written to with the FORMAT string. The FORMAT string is the CustomLog string from the httpd.conf file.

Class and object methods

parse( LINE )
Given a LINE from an Apache logfile it will parse the line and return a hash of all the elements of the line indexed by their format. If the line cannot be parsed an empty hash will be returned.
Returns a list of field names that were extracted from the data. Such as '%a', '%t' and '%r' from the above example.
Returns a copy of the regex that will be used to parse the log file.
rename_this_name( NAME )
Use this method to rename the keys that will be used in the returned hash. The initial NAME is passed in and the method should return the new name.


Perl 5


The only problem I can foresee is the various custom time formats but providing that they are encased in '[' and ']' all should be fine.
Apache::LogRegex->new() takes 1 argument
When the constructor is called it requires one argument. This message is given if more or less arguments were supplied.
Apache::LogRegex->new() argument 1 (FORMAT) is undefined
The correct number of arguments were supplied with the constructor call, however the first argument, FORMAT, was undefined.
Apache::LogRegex->parse() takes 1 argument
When the method is called it requires one argument. This message is given if more or less arguments were supplied.
Apache::LogRegex->parse() argument 1 (LINE) is undefined
The correct number of arguments were supplied with the method call, however the first argument, LINE, was undefined.
Apache::LogRegex->names() takes no argument
When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if some arguments were supplied.
Apache::LogRegex->regex() takes no argument
When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if some arguments were supplied.


None so far




mod_log_config for a description of the Apache format commands


Peter Hickman (peterhi@ntlworld.com) Copyright (c) 2004, Peter Hickman. All rights reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.