
Langue: en

Version: 2008-10-14 (ubuntu - 08/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)




Clutter::Container is an interface for Clutter::Actors that provides a common API for adding, removing and iterating over children.

By implementing the Clutter::Container interface with the usual Glib::Object subclassing methods it is possible to use the Clutter::Container API for managing children.




$container->add ($actor, ...)

$container->add ($actor, ...)

$actor (Clutter::Actor) __hide__
... (list) list of actors

Adds a list of actors to container

list = $container->child_get ($child, ...)

list = $container->child_get ($child, ...)

$child (Clutter::Actor)
... (list) list of property names

Returns a list of values of properties of the child

list = $container->child_get_property ($child, ...)

list = $container->child_get_property ($child, ...)

$child (Clutter::Actor)
... (list)

childmeta = $container->get_child_meta ($actor)

childmeta = $container->get_child_meta ($actor)

$actor (Clutter::Actor)

Retrieves the Clutter::ChildMeta instance for actor

string = $container->get_child_meta_type

string = $container->get_child_meta_type

Retrieves the ChildMeta type used by container

$container->set_child_meta_type ($type_name)

$container->set_child_meta_type ($type_name)

$type_name (string)

Sets the ChildMeta type used by container. This type can only be set once and only if the container implementation does not have any ChildMeta type set already. If you try to set the ChildMeta type on an instance with a type already set, this function will croak.
May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.

$container->child_set ($child, ...)

$container->child_set ($child, ...)

$child (Clutter::Actor)
... (list) list of property names

Sets a list of properties of the child

$container->child_set_property ($child, ...)

$container->child_set_property ($child, ...)

$child (Clutter::Actor)
... (list)

actors = $container->get_children

actors = $container->get_children

actor or undef = $container->find_child_by_name ($name)

actor or undef = $container->find_child_by_name ($name)

$name (string)

$container->foreach ($callback, $callback_data=undef)

$container->foreach ($callback, $callback_data=undef)

$callback (scalar)
$callback_data (scalar)

$container->lower_child ($actor, $sibling)

$container->lower_child ($actor, $sibling)

$actor (Clutter::Actor)
$sibling (Clutter::Actor)

$container->raise_child ($actor, $sibling)

$container->raise_child ($actor, $sibling)

$actor (Clutter::Actor)
$sibling (Clutter::Actor)

$container->remove ($actor, ...)

$container->remove ($actor, ...)

$actor (Clutter::Actor) __hide__
... (list) list of actors

Removes a list of actors from container


Clutter::Container allows the management of properties that exist only when an actor is contained inside a container.

For instance, it is possible to add a property like padding to a child actor when inside a container; such property might only be useful when adding any actor to a specific container implementation, and might be desirable not to have it inside the actor class itself.

In order to create child properties for a container it is needed to subclass the Clutter::ChildMeta object class using the usual Glib::Object mechanisms, like:

   package My::ChildMeta;
   use Glib::Object::Subclass
       properties => [

The Clutter::ChildMeta class is the class that stores and handles the child properties. A ChildMeta instance also stores references to the container that handles it, and to the actor it is wrapping.

The container implementation should set the package name of the ChildMeta subclass it will use; the most convenient place is inside the INIT_INSTANCE sub:

     my ($self) = @_;
     # instance set up

This is enough to start using the Clutter::Container::child_set() and Clutter::Container::child_get() methods to store and retrieve values for the properties specified inside the ChildMeta subclass, like:

   $container->child_set($child, 'padding', [ 0, 10, 0, 10 ]);

When the child is removed from the container, the ChildMeta instance bound to it will simply disappear.

It is also possible to exercise a higher degree of control on the creation and destruction of the ChildMeta instances by using the CREATE_CHILD_META, GET_CHILD_META and DESTROY_CHILD_META functions.


   package MyContainer;
   use Clutter;
   use Glib::Object::Subclass
       interfaces => [ qw( Clutter::Container ) ];

Virtual Methods

In order to create a Clutter::Container actor, an implementation of the following methods is required:

ADD ($container, $actor)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $actor (Clutter::Actor)

Called to add actor to container. The implementation should queue a relayout of container and emit the ::actor-added signal once the actor has been added.
For instance:
   push @{$self->{children}}, $actor;
   $self->signal_emit('actor-added', $actor);
REMOVE ($container, $actor)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $actor (Clutter::Actor)

Called to remove actor from container. The implementation should emit the ::actor-removed signal once the actor has been removed.
RAISE ($container, $child, $sibling)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $child (Clutter::Actor)
o $sibling (Clutter::Actor)

Called when raising child above sibling. If sibling is undefined, then child should be raised above every other child of container.
LOWER ($container, $child, $sibling)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $child (Clutter::Actor)
o $sibling (Clutter::Actor)

Called when lowering child below sibling. If sibling is undefined, then child should be lowered below every other child of container.
SORT_DEPTH_ORDER ($container)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
Called when resorting the list of children depending on their depth.
FOREACH ($container, $function, $data)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $function (code reference)
o $data (scalar) data to pass to the function

Called when iterating over every child of container. For each child the function must be called with the actor and the passed data, for instance:
   foreach my $child (@{$container->{children}}) {
     &$function ($child, $data);

This function will also be called by the get_children method.

CREATE_CHILD_META ($container, $actor)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $actor (Clutter::Actor)

Called when creating a new Clutter::ChildMeta instance wrapping actor inside container. This function should be overridden only if the metadata class used to implement child properties needs special code or needs to be stored inside a different data structure within container.
For instance:
       my ($self, $child) = @_;
       my $meta = My::ChildMeta->new(
           container => $self,
           actor     => $child,
       # store the ChildMeta into a hash using the
       # actor itself as the key
       $self->{meta}->{$child} = $meta;

When overriding the CREATE_CHILD_META, the GET_CHILD_META and the DESTROY_CHILD_META methods should be overridden as well.

This function is called before Clutter::Container::ADD_ACTOR.

DESTROY_CHILD_META ($container, $actor)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $actor (Clutter::Actor)

Called when destroying a Clutter::ChildMeta instance for actor.
For instance:
       my ($self, $child) = @_;
       delete $self->{meta}->{$child};

This function is called before Clutter::Actor::REMOVE_ACTOR

childmeta = GET_CHILD_META ($container, $actor)
o $container (Clutter::Container)
o $actor (Clutter::Actor)

Called when retrieving a Clutter::ChildMeta instance for actor.
For instance:
       my ($self, $child) = @_;
       return $self->{meta}->{$child};


child-notify (Clutter::Container, Clutter::Actor, Glib::ParamSpec)
actor-added (Clutter::Container, Clutter::Actor)
actor-removed (Clutter::Container, Clutter::Actor)


Clutter, Glib::Interface Copyright (C) 2006 OpenedHand Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Library version 2.1, or under the terms of the Artistic License. See Clutter for the full copyright notice.