
Langue: en

Version: Jun 2009 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


CreateIcon (USER32.@)


HICON CreateIcon
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  INT       nWidth,
  INT       nHeight,
  BYTE      bPlanes,
  BYTE      bBitsPixel,
  LPCVOID   lpANDbits,
  LPCVOID   lpXORbits


hInstance [In] the application's hInstance.

nWidth [In] the width of the provided bitmaps.

nHeight [In] the height of the provided bitmaps.

bPlanes [In] the number of planes in the provided bitmaps.

bBitsPixel [In] the number of bits per pixel of the lpXORbits bitmap.

lpANDbits [In] a monochrome bitmap representing the icon's mask.

lpXORbits [In] the icon's 'color' bitmap.


Creates an icon based on the specified bitmaps. The bitmaps must be provided in a device dependent format and will be resized to (SM_CXICON,SM_CYICON) and depth converted to match the screen's color depth. The provided bitmaps must be top-down bitmaps. Although Windows(tm) does not support 15bpp(*) this Api must support it for Winelib applications.

(*) Windows(tm) does not support 15bpp but it supports the 555 RGB 16bpp format!.


Success: handle to an icon

Failure: NULL.

FIXME: Do we need to resize the bitmaps?


Defined in "winuser.h".

Implemented in "dlls/user32/cursoricon.c".

Debug channel "cursor".