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Version: 2007-05-20 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Devel::Backtrace::Point - Object oriented access to the information caller() provides


     print Devel::Backtrace::Point->new([caller(0)])->to_long_string;


This class is a nice way to access all the information caller provides on a given level. It is used by Devel::Backtrace, which generates an array of all trace points.


$p->package, $p->filename, $p->line, $p->subroutine, $p->hasargs, $p->wantarray, $p->evaltext, $p->is_require, $p->hints, $p->bitmask, $p->hinthash

$p->package, $p->filename, $p->line, $p->subroutine, $p->hasargs, $p->wantarray, $p->evaltext, $p->is_require, $p->hints, $p->bitmask, $p->hinthash

See ``caller'' in perlfunc for documentation of these fields.

hinthash is only available in perl 5.9 and higher. When this module is loaded, it tests how many values caller returns. Depending on the result, it adds the necessary accessors. Thus, you should be able to find out if your perl supports hinthash by using ``can'' in UNIVERSAL:




You may also access the fields by their index in the list that caller() returns. This may be useful if some future perl version introduces a new field for caller, and the author of this module doesn't react in time.


This constructs a Devel::Backtrace object. The argument must be a reference to an array holding the return values of caller(). This array must have either three or ten elements (or eleven if hinthash is supported) (see ``caller'' in perlfunc).



Returns a string of the form ``Blah::subname called from main (''. This means that the subroutine "subname" from package "Blah" was called by package "main" in "" line 17.

If you print a "Devel::Backtrace::Point" object or otherwise treat it as a string, to_string() will be called automatically due to overloading.



This returns a string which lists all available fields in a table that spans several lines.


     package: main
     filename: /tmp/
     line: 6
     subroutine: main::foo
     hasargs: 1
     wantarray: undef
     evaltext: undef
     is_require: undef
     hints: 0
     bitmask: \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00

hinthash is not included in the output, as it is a hash.


This constant contains a list of all the available field names. The number of fields depends on your perl version.




Christoph Bussenius <> Copyright (C) 2007 Christoph Bussenius.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.