
Langue: en

Version: Jun 2009 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


ExtTextOutW (GDI32.@)


BOOL ExtTextOutW
  HDC         hdc,
  INT         x,
  INT         y,
  UINT        flags,
  const RECT* lprect,
  LPCWSTR     str,
  UINT        count,
  const INT*  lpDx


Draws text using the currently selected font, background color, and text color.


x,y [In] coordinates of string.

flags [In] ETO_GRAYED - undocumented on MSDN ETO_OPAQUE - use background color for fill the rectangle ETO_CLIPPED - clipping text to the rectangle ETO_GLYPH_INDEX - Buffer is of glyph locations in fonts rather than encoded characters. Implies ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE ETO_RTLREADING - Paragraph is basically a right-to-left paragraph. Affects BiDi ordering ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE - Undocumented in MSDN - instructs ExtTextOut not to do BiDi reordering ETO_PDY - unimplemented ETO_NUMERICSLATIN - unimplemented always assumed - do not translate numbers into locale representations ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL - unimplemented - Numerals in Arabic/Farsi context should assume local form.

lprect [In] dimensions for clipping or/and opaquing.

str [In] text string.

count [In] number of symbols in string.

lpDx [In] optional parameter with distance between drawing characters.


Success: TRUE

Failure: FALSE


Defined in "wingdi.h".

Implemented in "dlls/gdi32/font.c".

Debug channel "font".