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Version: 295367 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


GAction.ui_manager - no description


Class GAction.ui_manager


class ui_manager : [> Gtk.ui_manager ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.4



([> Gtk.ui_manager ] as 'a) Gtk.obj

val obj : 'a Gtk.obj

method as_ui_manager : Gtk.ui_manager Gtk.obj

method add_tearoffs : bool

method add_ui_from_file : string -> GAction.ui_id


Glib.Markup.Error if the XML is invalid

Glib.GError if an error occurs while reading the file

method add_ui_from_string : string -> GAction.ui_id

Raises Glib.Markup.Error if the XML is invalid

method connect : GAction.ui_manager_signals

method ensure_update : unit -> unit

method get_accel_group : Gtk.accel_group

method get_action : string -> GAction.action

Raises Not_found if no widget exist at the given path

method get_action_groups : GAction.action_group list

method get_widget : string -> GObj.widget

Raises Not_found if no widget exist at the given path

method get_toplevels : GtkEnums.ui_manager_item_type list -> GObj.widget list

method insert_action_group : GAction.action_group -> int -> unit

method new_merge_id : unit -> GAction.ui_id

method add_ui : GAction.ui_id -> path:string -> name:string -> action:string option -> GtkEnums.ui_manager_item_type -> top:bool -> unit

method remove_action_group : GAction.action_group -> unit

method remove_ui : GAction.ui_id -> unit

method set_add_tearoffs : bool -> unit

method ui : string