
Langue: en

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Version: 292119 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


GWindow - Windows


Module GWindow


Module GWindow
 :  sig end


=== Windows ===

=== GtkWindow ===

class window_skel : [> Gtk.window ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class window : [> Gtk.window ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Toplevel widget which can contain other widgets

val window : ?kind:Gtk.Tags.window_type -> ?title:string -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> window

val toplevel : #GObj.widget -> window option

return the toplevel window of this widget, if existing

=== GtkDialog ===

class 'a dialog_signals : [> Gtk.dialog ] Gtk.obj -> decode:(int -> 'a) -> object end

class [> `DELETE_EVENT ] dialog_skel : [> Gtk.dialog ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class [> `DELETE_EVENT ] dialog_ext : [> Gtk.dialog ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Create popup windows

class [> `DELETE_EVENT ] dialog : [> Gtk.dialog ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Create popup windows

val dialog : ?no_separator:bool -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?title:string -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> [> `DELETE_EVENT ] dialog

type any_response = [ `ACCEPT | `APPLY | `CANCEL | `CLOSE | `DELETE_EVENT | `HELP | `NO | `NONE | `OK | `OTHER of int | `REJECT | `YES ]

Variation for safe typing

class dialog_any : [> Gtk.dialog ] Gtk.obj -> [any_response] dialog

=== GtkMessageDialog ===

type 'a buttons

module Buttons : sig end

class type [> `DELETE_EVENT ] message_dialog = object end

Convenient message window

val message_dialog : ?message:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> message_type:Gtk.Tags.message_type -> buttons:([> `DELETE_EVENT ] as 'a) buttons -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?title:string -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> 'a message_dialog

=== GtkAboutDialog ===

class about_dialog : [> Gtk.about_dialog ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.6

val about_dialog : ?authors:string list -> ?comments:string -> ?copyright:string -> ?license:string -> ?logo:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?logo_icon_name:string -> ?name:string -> ?translator_credits:string -> ?version:string -> ?website:string -> ?website_label:string -> ?wrap_license:bool -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?title:string -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> about_dialog

Display information about an application.

In GTK+ 2.6.x and 2.8.x, a default handler is already connected to the response signal. It simply hides the dialog. This is no longer the case since GTK+ 2.10.x though. You could use it like this: let about_dialog = ref (fun () -> raise Not_found) let show_dialog () = try !about_dialog () with Not_found -> let dialog = GWindow.about_dialog ~name:... (* etc. *) () in about_dialog := dialog#present ; dialog#show ()

Since GTK 2.6

=== File Chooser Dialog ===

class 'a file_chooser_dialog_signals : [> `bin | `container | `dialog | `filechooser | `gtk | `widget | `window ] Gtk.obj -> decode:(int -> 'a) -> object end

Since GTK 2.4

class [> `DELETE_EVENT ] file_chooser_dialog : [> `bin | `container | `dialog | `filechooser | `gtk | `widget | `window ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.4

val file_chooser_dialog : action:GtkEnums.file_chooser_action -> ?backend:string -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?title:string -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> [> `DELETE_EVENT ] file_chooser_dialog

Since GTK 2.4

=== Selection Dialogs ===

class color_selection_dialog : Gtk.color_selection_dialog Gtk.obj -> object end

val color_selection_dialog : ?title:string -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> color_selection_dialog

class file_selection : Gtk.file_selection Gtk.obj -> object end

val file_selection : ?title:string -> ?show_fileops:bool -> ?filename:string -> ?select_multiple:bool -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> file_selection

class font_selection_dialog : Gtk.font_selection_dialog Gtk.obj -> object end

val font_selection_dialog : ?title:string -> ?parent:#window_skel -> ?destroy_with_parent:bool -> ?allow_grow:bool -> ?allow_shrink:bool -> ?decorated:bool -> ?deletable:bool -> ?focus_on_map:bool -> ?icon:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> ?icon_name:string -> ?modal:bool -> ?position:Gtk.Tags.window_position -> ?resizable:bool -> ?screen:Gdk.screen -> ?type_hint:Gdk.Tags.window_type_hint -> ?urgency_hint:bool -> ?wm_name:string -> ?wm_class:string -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> font_selection_dialog

=== GtkPlug ===

class plug_signals : [> Gtk.plug ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class plug : Gtk.plug Gtk.obj -> object end

Toplevel for embedding into other processes

val plug : window:Gdk.xid -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> plug

=== GtkSocket ===

class socket_signals : [> Gtk.socket ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class socket : Gtk.socket Gtk.obj -> object end

Container for widgets from other processes

val socket : ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> socket