
Langue: en

Version: 2004-11-26 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Getopt::Popt - Perl interface to the popt(3) library


     use Getopt::Popt qw(:all);
     # setup the options array
     push @options,new Getopt::Popt::Option( 
                                     longName    => "long", 
                                     shortName   => "l",
                                     argInfo     => POPT_ARG_STRING,
                                     arg         => \$qux,
                                     val         => $val);
     # or, if you're lazy, have Getopt::Popt automagically do the new()
     push @options, { shortName => 's', 
                      argInfo => POPT_ARG_NONE, 
                      arg => \$quux,
                      val => 's' 
     # "val"s can be a single character or an integer:
     push @options, { longName => 'xor',
                      argInfo => POPT_ARG_VAL | POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR,
                      arg => \$quuux,
                      val => 0xbadf00d   # integer

Enable automatic help/usage messages (--help or --usage):

     push @options, POPT_AUTOHELP;

Create a new popt context:

     $popt = new Getopt::Popt(name       => $alias_name, 
                              argv       => \@ARGV,
                              options    => \@options, 
                              flags      => $flags);

Setup option aliases:

     # load some aliases
     # add your own alias
     $alias = new Getopt::Popt::Alias(longName => "taco", 
                              argv     => [qw(--flavored --kisses)]);
     $popt->addAlias($alias, $alias_flags);

Load options as you would in C:

     # loop through the options, using the popt C way:
     while(($rc = $popt->getNextOpt()) > 0) {
         # one way to get the arg val
         $bork = $popt->getOptArg();
         # stuff some args 
         $popt->stuffArgs(qw(-q -u -x));
         # start over

And handle errors as you would in C:

     $errstr = $popt->strerror($rc);
     $badopt = $popt->badOption($rc,$badopt_flags);

Or try the new perly way:

     eval {
         while(defined($val = $popt->getNextOptChar())) { 
                                               ^^^^-- note!
             # $val is a Scalar::Util::dualvar:
             if($val eq "c") {               # <- character
             } elsif($val == 0xbeef) {       # <- integer
             } elsif(ord($val) == 2922) {    # <- utf8, ok!
             # you can still stuff args or reset the context as before
     # check for errors:
     if($@) {
         # prints something like "bad argument: --shoes: unknown option"
         print "bad argument: $@\n"; 

Get leftover args:

     $arg = $popt->peekArg();
     $arg = $popt->getArg();
     @args = $popt->getArgs();


This module provides an interface to (most of) the functions available in the popt library. See the popt(3) manpage for more details about what the popt library can do.


"Getopt::Popt" should look like a fairly natural object oriented mapping to all of the popt functions.


"Getopt::Popt->new( %params )"
Create a new Getopt::Popt context. Parameters map to the arguments to popt's "poptGetContext()", plus one additional argument:
     %params = (
             alias_name  => $name,
             argv        => \@argv,
             options     => \@options,
             flags       => $flags,
             # new and special: 
             dont_prepend_progname => $bool, 

Dies on an error.

Name for lookup in alias definitions (see the popt(3) manpage). Can be empty.
Command line arguments, e.g. "\@ARGV". NOTE: "\@argv" will be passed to popt as the array "($0, @argv)" (a copy is made so that your "\@argv" won't be modified) unless given the "dont_prepend_progname" option (see below).
Context flags (see CONSTANTS). Defaults to 0.
Options array. All elements must be either a Getopt::Popt::Option or a hashref; hashrefs will be automagically converted into Getopt::Popt::Options.
Don't stick $0 before @argv. Perl's @ARGV just has arguments and does not include the current process name, but popt expects something in "argv[0]". So $0 is prepended unless this flag has been set. It's an error if "dont_prepend_progname" is true but @argv is empty.

Defaults to 0.

This is a wrapper around "Getopt::Popt::getNextOpt()". Returns a "dualvar" (see Scalar::Util) rather than just an integer. In a numeric context ("0+$ch" or "$ch == $number") the return value is the integer value that "Getopt::Popt::getNextOpt()" would've returned, and in a string context the return value is a character. Really all it saves you is having to use "chr()" all the time.

Returns undef when it's done reading args, dies with a "Getopt::Popt::strerror()"'d message on an error.

See the popt(3) manpage for details on these methods:

"Getopt::Popt::addAlias($alias, $flags)"



Represents a "struct poptOption"

"Getopt::Popt::Option->new( %params )"
Create a new option. %params maps to popt's "struct poptOption":
     %params = (
             longName    => $longName,
             shortName   => $shortName,  # single char
             argInfo     => $argInfo,    # see CONSTANTS below
             arg         => \$arg,       # depends on $argInfo
             val         => $val,        # integer OR single character
             descrip     => $descrip,
             argDescrip  => $argDescrip,

Dies on an error.

Long name of the argument, e.g. "--foo"'s long name is "foo".
Short name of the argument, e.g. "-f"'s short name is "f". Must be a single character.
An integer, bitwise-ORed with different flags (see CONSTANTS below).
A scalar reference, with the scalar being set to the option argument value.
The value to be returned by "getNextOpt()" (or "getNextOptChar()"). Can be a single character or an integer.

Note that if you want $val to be a real single-digit integer (and not the character representation of it), pass it in as "+1`` or ''1.0``, or as ''"\1"". If you use any of the bit operations ("POPT_ARGFLAG_[AND|OR|XOR]") that popt has, it's important that ``1'' be a 1 and not "ord("1")" = 49. Otherwise you probably don't care.

Long description of the option, used in generating autohelp.
Short description of the argument to the option, used in generating autohelp.

Value getters (no setters):




Represents a "struct poptAlias"

"Getopt::Popt::Alias->new( %params )"
Create a new alias to pass to "Getopt::Popt::addAlias()". %params maps to popt's "struct poptAlias":
     %params = (
             longName    => $longName,
             shortName   => $shortName,  # single char
             argv        => \@args,      # non-empty array of args

Dies on an error.


Most of the constant integers defined in "popt.h" (except for a few relating to callbacks and table inclusion, see TODO below) are available for import via the ":all" tag. Other tags are: ":argflag" for argument flags, ":arg" for argument types, ":autohelp" for "POPT_AUTOHELP", ":badoption" for "POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS", ":context" for context flags, and ":error" for error values.

You can use the the "POPT_AUTOHELP" constant just as you would in C. Just put it on your "\@options" and autohelp will be enabled.


The following is a perl implementation of the example given in the popt(3) manpage.
     use Getopt::Popt qw(:all);
     use strict;
     sub usage {
       my $popt = shift;
       my $exitcode = shift;
       my $error = shift;
       my $addl = shift;
       # not implemented:
       # $popt->printUsage(\*STDERR, 0); 
       print STDERR "do --help to show options\n";
       print STDERR "$error $addl\n" if $error;
     sub main {
       my $c;        # used for argument parsing
       my $portname;
       my $speed;    # used in argument parsing to set speed
       my $raw;      # raw mode?
       my @buf;
       my $popt;
       my @optionsTable = (
             longName => "bps", 
             shortName => 'b', 
             argInfo => POPT_ARG_INT, 
             arg => \$speed, 
             val => 0,
             descrip => "signaling rate in bits-per-second", 
             argDescrip => "BPS" 
             longName => "crnl",
             shortName => 'c',
             argInfo => 0,
             val => 'c',
             descrip => "expand cr characters to cr/lf sequences" 
             longName => "hwflow",
             shortName => 'h',
             argInfo => 0,
             val => 'h',
             descrip => "use hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control" 
             longName => "noflow",
             shortName => 'n',
             argInfo => 0,
             val => 'n',
             descrip => "use no flow control" 
             longName => "raw",
             shortName => 'r',
             argInfo => 0,
             arg => \$raw,
             descrip => "don't perform any character conversions" 
             longName => "swflow",
             shortName => 's',
             argInfo => 0,
             val => 's',
             descrip => "use software (XON/XOF) flow control" 
           } ,
       $popt = new Getopt::Popt(argv => \@ARGV,options => \@optionsTable);
       $popt->setOtherOptionHelp("[OPTIONS]* <port>");
       if (@ARGV < 1) {
         # not implemented
         #$popt->printUsage(optCon, stderr, 0);
         print STDERR "not enough arguments: do --help to show options\n";
       # Now do options processing, get portname
       eval {
         while (defined($c = $popt->getNextOptChar())) {
           push(@buf,'c') if $c eq 'c';
           push(@buf,'h') if $c eq 'h';
           push(@buf,'s') if $c eq 's';
           push(@buf,'n') if $c eq 'n';
       if ($@) {
         # an error occurred during option processing
         my($msg) = ($@ =~ m/(.*) at [\S]+ line \d+\s*$/);
         printf(STDERR  "bad argument: $msg\n");
         exit 1;
       $portname = $popt->getArg();
       if(($portname eq "") || !($popt->peekArg() eq "")) {
         usage($popt, 1, "Specify a single port", ".e.g., /dev/cua0");
       # Print out options, portname chosen
       print("Options  chosen: ");
       print("-$_ ") foreach @buf;
       print("-r ") if(defined($raw));
       print("-b $speed") if(defined($speed));
       print("\nPortname chosen: $portname\n");


This module should be considered beta quality. Don't use it where a possible buffer overflow or double-free or something would be a bad thing. Comments and bug fixes are greatly appreciated!

"POPT_ARG_VAL" is converted internally to "POPT_ARG_NONE" (but don't worry, it still sets "\$arg" to $val). As a consequence, the behavior may be slightly different.

If you're using "POPT_AUTOHELP" and the user gives "--help" or "--usage", popt exits and any exit handlers, destructors, etc. won't be called. This is expected to be fixed once printHelp() and printUsage() get implemented (see TODO below).

Tested with popt-1.6 and popt-1.7 on Debian woody i386, and on slack 9 with popt-1.7, YMMV.


Finish writing this documentation.

Need to implement: "printHelp()", "printUsage()", callbacks, "parseArgvString()", and "dupArgv()"

Probably won't implement: table inclusion (because it's easier to just pass around perl arrays of options);


popt(3), Getopt::Std, Getopt::Long, and everything in <>

The latest version of the popt library is distributed with rpm and is always available from: <>.


This module is by James Baker <jamesb-at-cpan-dot-org>.

The popt library is by Erik W. Troan <ewt-at-redhat-dot-com>.

This program is Copyright 2003 by James Baker. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
Around line 681:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head3'
Around line 685:
'=item' outside of any '=over'