
Langue: en

Version: 2010-07-07 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Glib::Signal - Object customization and general purpose notification


integer = Glib->install_exception_handler ($func, $data=undef)

$func (subroutine)
$data (scalar)

Install a subroutine to be executed when a signal emission traps an exception (a croak or die). $func should return boolean (true if the handler should remain installed) and expect to receive a single scalar. This scalar will be a private copy of $@ which the handler can mangle to its heart's content.

Returns an identifier that may be used with "remove_exception_handler".

See "gperl_install_exception_handler()" in Glib::xsapi.

Glib->remove_exception_handler ($tag)

$tag (integer)

Remove the exception handler identified by $tag, as returned by "install_exception_handler". If $tag cannot be found, this does nothing.

WARNING: Do not call this function from within an exception handler. If you want to remove your handler during its execution just have it return false.

See "gperl_remove_exception_handler()" in Glib::xsapi.


Glib Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by the gtk2-perl team.

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Glib for a full notice.