
Langue: en

Version: 2010-05-02 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)








widget = Gtk2::Entry->new

widget = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length ($max)

$max (integer)

boolean = $entry->get_activates_default

$entry->set_activates_default ($setting)

$setting (boolean)

double = $entry->get_alignment

Since: gtk+ 2.4

$entry->set_alignment ($xalign)

$xalign (double)

Since: gtk+ 2.4

$entry->append_text ($text)

$text (string)

entrycompletion or undef = $entry->get_completion

Since: gtk+ 2.4

$entry->set_completion ($completion)

$completion (Gtk2::EntryCompletion or undef)

Since: gtk+ 2.4

adjustment or undef = $entry->get_cursor_hadjustment

Since: gtk+ 2.12

$entry->set_cursor_hadjustment ($adjustment)

$adjustment (Gtk2::Adjustment or undef)

Since: gtk+ 2.12

$entry->set_editable ($editable)

$editable (boolean)

boolean = $entry->get_has_frame

$entry->set_has_frame ($setting)

$setting (boolean)

border or undef = $entry->get_inner_border

Since: gtk+ 2.10

$entry->set_inner_border ($border)

$border (Gtk2::Border or undef)

Since: gtk+ 2.10

character = $entry->get_invisible_char

$entry->set_invisible_char ($ch)

$ch (character)

layout = $entry->get_layout

integer = $entry->layout_index_to_text_index ($layout_index)

$layout_index (integer)

Since: gtk+ 2.6

(x, y) = $entry->get_layout_offsets

integer = $entry->get_max_length

$entry->set_max_length ($max)

$max (integer)

boolean = $entry->get_overwrite_mode

Since: gtk+ 2.14

$entry->set_overwrite_mode ($overwrite)

$overwrite (boolean)

Since: gtk+ 2.14

$entry->set_position ($position)

$position (integer)

$entry->prepend_text ($text)

$text (string)

$entry->select_region ($start, $end)

$start (integer)
$end (integer)

string = $entry->get_text

integer = $entry->text_index_to_layout_index ($text_index)

$text_index (integer)

Since: gtk+ 2.6

unsigned = $entry->get_text_length

Since: gtk+ 2.14

$entry->set_text ($text)

$text (string)

boolean = $entry->get_visibility

$entry->set_visibility ($visible)

$visible (boolean)

integer = $entry->get_width_chars

$entry->set_width_chars ($n_chars)

$n_chars (integer)


'activates-default' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether to activate the default widget (such as the default button in a dialog) when Enter is pressed
'buffer' (Glib::Object::_Unregistered::GtkEntryBuffer : readable / writable / construct / private)
Text buffer object which actually stores entry text
'caps-lock-warning' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether password entries will show a warning when Caps Lock is on
'cursor-position' (integer : readable / private)
The current position of the insertion cursor in chars
'editable' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the entry contents can be edited
'has-frame' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
FALSE removes outside bevel from entry
'im-module' (string : readable / writable / private)
Which IM module should be used
'inner-border' (Gtk2::Border : readable / writable / private)
Border between text and frame. Overrides the inner-border style property
'invisible-char' (Glib::UInt : readable / writable / private)
The character to use when masking entry contents (in ``password mode'')
'invisible-char-set' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the invisible char has been set
'max-length' (integer : readable / writable / private)
Maximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximum
'overwrite-mode' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether new text overwrites existing text
'primary-icon-activatable' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the primary icon is activatable
'primary-icon-gicon' (Glib::Object::_Unregistered::GIcon : readable / writable / private)
GIcon for primary icon
'primary-icon-name' (string : readable / writable / private)
Icon name for primary icon
'primary-icon-pixbuf' (Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf : readable / writable / private)
Primary pixbuf for the entry
'primary-icon-sensitive' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the primary icon is sensitive
'primary-icon-stock' (string : readable / writable / private)
Stock ID for primary icon
'primary-icon-storage-type' (Gtk2::ImageType : readable / private)
The representation being used for primary icon
'primary-icon-tooltip-markup' (string : readable / writable / private)
The contents of the tooltip on the primary icon
'primary-icon-tooltip-text' (string : readable / writable / private)
The contents of the tooltip on the primary icon
'progress-fraction' (double : readable / writable / private)
The current fraction of the task that's been completed
'progress-pulse-step' (double : readable / writable / private)
The fraction of total entry width to move the progress bouncing block for each call to gtk_entry_progress_pulse()
'scroll-offset' (integer : readable / private)
Number of pixels of the entry scrolled off the screen to the left
'secondary-icon-activatable' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the secondary icon is activatable
'secondary-icon-gicon' (Glib::Object::_Unregistered::GIcon : readable / writable / private)
GIcon for secondary icon
'secondary-icon-name' (string : readable / writable / private)
Icon name for secondary icon
'secondary-icon-pixbuf' (Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf : readable / writable / private)
Secondary pixbuf for the entry
'secondary-icon-sensitive' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether the secondary icon is sensitive
'secondary-icon-stock' (string : readable / writable / private)
Stock ID for secondary icon
'secondary-icon-storage-type' (Gtk2::ImageType : readable / private)
The representation being used for secondary icon
'secondary-icon-tooltip-markup' (string : readable / writable / private)
The contents of the tooltip on the secondary icon
'secondary-icon-tooltip-text' (string : readable / writable / private)
The contents of the tooltip on the secondary icon
'selection-bound' (integer : readable / private)
The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in chars
'shadow-type' (Gtk2::ShadowType : readable / writable / private)
Which kind of shadow to draw around the entry when has-frame is set
'text' (string : readable / writable / private)
The contents of the entry
'text-length' (Glib::UInt : readable / private)
Length of the text currently in the entry
'truncate-multiline' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
Whether to truncate multiline pastes to one line.
'visibility' (boolean : readable / writable / private)
FALSE displays the ``invisible char'' instead of the actual text (password mode)
'width-chars' (integer : readable / writable / private)
Number of characters to leave space for in the entry
'xalign' (Glib::Float : readable / writable / private)
The horizontal alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right). Reversed for RTL layouts.


activate (Gtk2::Entry)
preedit-changed (Gtk2::Entry, string)
move-cursor (Gtk2::Entry, Gtk2::MovementStep, integer, boolean)
insert-at-cursor (Gtk2::Entry, string)
delete-from-cursor (Gtk2::Entry, Gtk2::DeleteType, integer)
backspace (Gtk2::Entry)
cut-clipboard (Gtk2::Entry)
copy-clipboard (Gtk2::Entry)
paste-clipboard (Gtk2::Entry)
toggle-overwrite (Gtk2::Entry)
populate-popup (Gtk2::Entry, Gtk2::Menu)
icon-press (Gtk2::Entry, GtkEntryIconPosition, Gtk2::Gdk::Event)
icon-release (Gtk2::Entry, GtkEntryIconPosition, Gtk2::Gdk::Event)


enum Gtk2::DeleteType

'chars' / 'GTK_DELETE_CHARS'
'word-ends' / 'GTK_DELETE_WORD_ENDS'
'words' / 'GTK_DELETE_WORDS'
'display-lines' / 'GTK_DELETE_DISPLAY_LINES'
'display-line-ends' / 'GTK_DELETE_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS'
'paragraph-ends' / 'GTK_DELETE_PARAGRAPH_ENDS'
'paragraphs' / 'GTK_DELETE_PARAGRAPHS'
'whitespace' / 'GTK_DELETE_WHITESPACE'

enum Gtk2::ImageType

'empty' / 'GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY'
'pixmap' / 'GTK_IMAGE_PIXMAP'
'image' / 'GTK_IMAGE_IMAGE'
'pixbuf' / 'GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF'
'stock' / 'GTK_IMAGE_STOCK'
'icon-set' / 'GTK_IMAGE_ICON_SET'
'animation' / 'GTK_IMAGE_ANIMATION'
'icon-name' / 'GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME'
'gicon' / 'GTK_IMAGE_GICON'

enum Gtk2::MovementStep

'logical-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_LOGICAL_POSITIONS'
'visual-positions' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS'
'display-lines' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINES'
'display-line-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS'
'paragraph-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_PARAGRAPH_ENDS'
'buffer-ends' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_BUFFER_ENDS'
'horizontal-pages' / 'GTK_MOVEMENT_HORIZONTAL_PAGES'

enum Gtk2::ShadowType

'none' / 'GTK_SHADOW_NONE'
'in' / 'GTK_SHADOW_IN'
'out' / 'GTK_SHADOW_OUT'
'etched-in' / 'GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'
'etched-out' / 'GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'

enum GtkEntryIconPosition



Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::InitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::Widget Copyright (C) 2003-2008 by the gtk2-perl team.

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.