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Version: 2009-03-19 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Jifty::DBI::Filter::Date - DateTime object wrapper around date columns


This filter allow you to work with DateTime objects that represent ``Dates'', store everything in the database in GMT and not hurt yourself badly when you pull them out and put them in repeatedly.


If value is a DateTime object then move it into a ``floating'' timezone and expand it into ISO 8601 format "HH-MM-SS". By storing it in the database as a floating timezone, it doesn't matter if the user's desired timezone changes between lookups

Does nothing if value is not defined or is a string.


If we're loading something from a column that doesn't specify times, then it's loaded into a floating timezone.

If value is defined then converts it into DateTime object otherwise do nothing.


Jifty::DBI::Filter, DateTime