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Version: 2009-05-13 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Log::NullLogLite - The "Log::NullLogLite" class implements the Null Object pattern for the "Log::LogLite" class.


   use Log::NullLogLite;
   # create new Log::NullLogLite object
   my $log = new Log::NullLogLite();
   # we had an error (this entry will not be written to the log 
   # file because we use Log::NullLogLite object).
   $log->write("Could not open the file ".$file_name.": $!", 4);


The "Log::NullLogLite" class is derived from the "Log::LogLite" class and implement the Null Object Pattern to let us to use the "Log::LogLite" class with null "Log::LogLite" objects. We might want to do that if we use a "Log::LogLite" object in our code, and we do not want always to actually define a "Log::LogLite" object (i.e. not always we want to write to a log file). In such a case we will create a "Log::NullLogLite" object instead of the "Log::LogLite" object, and will use that object instead. The object has all the methods that the "Log::LogLite" object has, but those methods do nothing. Thus our code will continue to run without any change, yet we will not have to define a log file path for the "Log::LogLite" object, and no log will be created.


The constructor. The parameters will not have any affect. Returns the new Log::NullLogLite object.


write( MESSAGE [, LEVEL ] )
Does nothing. The parameters will not have any affect. Returns nothing.
level( [ LEVEL ] )
Does nothing. The parameters will not have any affect. Returns -1.
default_message( [ MESSAGE ] )
Does nothing. The parameters will not have any affect. Returns empty string ("").


Rani Pinchuk, rani@cpan.org Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Ockham Technology N.V. & Rani Pinchuk. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Log::LogLite(3), The Null Object Pattern - Bobby Woolf - PLoP96 - published in Pattern Languages of Program Design 3 (http://cseng.aw.com/book/0,,0201310112,00.html)