
Langue: en

Version: 2008-01-05 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)




  use base qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd);
  sub ... { ... }


This module contains a skeleton for handling client request in spamd implementation. Must not be used directly, but subclassed.

An instance should have lifetime of a single request.

Interface is likely to change.

See the source code of spamd(1) and Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Apache2(3).


Call as soon as the connection is accepted.
Call after "parse_msgids()".
Call after "pass_through_sa()".
Call as late as possible, after sending response to the client.
Sanity checks on headers sent by the client. Sends status line indicating error to the client and returns false on first problem found.
Extract the Message-Id(s) for logging purposes.
"service_unavailable_error('error message')"
"protocol_error('error message')"
"service_timeout('error message')"
Send appropiate status line to the client and log the error.
"send_status_line('EX_FOO', 'message')"
EX_error constant defaults to "EX_OK". Message defaults to the name of the constant.
Generates response (headers and body, no status line) to the request and sends it to the client.
Runs the actual tests. Wrap it with "eval()" to implement timeout.
Generates the "Spam: status ; score / threshold" response header.
Read config for the current user and register a cleanup handler to restore state of the SA object later. This is a wrapper around the handle_user_* methods.
load_scoreonly_sql for the given user. Do not call this directly.
load_scoreonly_ldap for the given user. Do not call this directly.
Returns the Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus object. Only valid after "pass_through_sa()".
Returns the Mail::SpamAssassin object.
Returns username as supplied by client in the User header or string '(unknown)'. Use for logging purposes.
Returns Mail::SpamAssassin::Spamd::Config object (or hash reference with resembling values).
Hash ref containing headers sent by the client.
"cleanup_register(sub { ... }, $argument)"
APR::Pool functionality --- call a piece of code when the object is destroyed.

The following methods must be overloaded:

Information about the client.
"new( spamtest =" $sa_object, foo => 'bar', ... )>
Creates new object; "shift && bless { @_ }", basically.
read_scoreonly_config for the given user. You might want to change uid, chdir, set $ENV, etc. Do not call this directly.
Read body from the client, run $self->spamtest->parse and store result as the "parsed" key.
Read method and headers from the client. Set various properties accordingly.
"send_buffer('list of', 'buffers to send')"
Send buffers to the client.