
Langue: en

Version: 2010-06-15 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native - Extend your attribute interfaces


   package MyClass;
   use Moose;
   has 'mapping' => (
       traits    => [ 'Hash' ],
       is        => 'rw',
       isa       => 'HashRef[Str]',
       default   => sub { {} },
       handles   => {
           exists_in_mapping => 'exists',
           ids_in_mapping    => 'keys',
           get_mapping       => 'get',
           set_mapping       => 'set',
           set_quantity      => [ set => 'quantity' ],
   # ...
   my $obj = MyClass->new;
   $obj->set_quantity(10);      # quantity => 10
   $obj->set_mapping('foo', 4); # foo => 4
   $obj->set_mapping('bar', 5); # bar => 5
   $obj->set_mapping('baz', 6); # baz => 6
   # prints 5
   print $obj->get_mapping('bar') if $obj->exists_in_mapping('bar');
   # prints 'quantity, foo, bar, baz'
   print join ', ', $obj->ids_in_mapping;


While Moose attributes provide a way to name your accessors, readers, writers, clearers and predicates, this set of traits provides commonly used attribute helper methods for more specific types of data.

As seen in the ``SYNOPSIS'', you specify the data structure via the "trait" parameter. Available traits are below; see ``METHOD PROVIDERS''.

This module used to exist as the MooseX::AttributeHelpers extension. It was very commonly used, so we moved it into core Moose. Since this gave us a chance to change the interface, you will have to change your code or continue using the MooseX::AttributeHelpers extension. MooseX::AttributeHelpers should continue to work.



This is like "handles" in ``has'' in Moose, but only HASH references are allowed. Keys are method names that you want installed locally, and values are methods from the method providers (below). Currying with delegated methods works normally for "handles".


Common numerical operations.
     has 'integer' => (
         traits    => ['Number'],
         is        => 'ro',
         isa       => 'Int',
         default   => 5,
         handles   => {
             set => 'set',
             add => 'add',
             sub => 'sub',
             mul => 'mul',
             div => 'div',
             mod => 'mod',
             abs => 'abs',
             # ...
Common methods for string operations.
     has 'text' => (
         traits    => ['String'],
         is        => 'rw',
         isa       => 'Str',
         default   => q{},
         handles   => {
             add_text     => 'append',
             replace_text => 'replace',
             # ...
Methods for incrementing and decrementing a counter attribute.
     has 'counter' => (
         traits    => ['Counter'],
         is        => 'ro',
         isa       => 'Num',
         default   => 0,
         handles   => {
             inc_counter   => 'inc',
             dec_counter   => 'dec',
             reset_counter => 'reset',
             # ...
Common methods for boolean values.
     has 'is_lit' => (
         traits    => ['Bool'],
         is        => 'rw',
         isa       => 'Bool',
         default   => 0,
         handles   => {
             illuminate  => 'set',
             darken      => 'unset',
             flip_switch => 'toggle',
             is_dark     => 'not',
             # ...
Common methods for hash references.
     has 'options' => (
         traits    => ['Hash'],
         is        => 'ro',
         isa       => 'HashRef[Str]',
         default   => sub { {} },
         handles   => {
             set_option => 'set',
             get_option => 'get',
             has_option => 'exists',
             # ...
Common methods for array references.
     has 'queue' => (
         traits    => ['Array'],
         is        => 'ro',
         isa       => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
         default   => sub { [] },
         handles   => {
             add_item  => 'push',
             next_item => 'shift',
             # ...
Common methods for code references.
     has 'callback' => (
         traits    => ['Code'],
         is        => 'ro',
         isa       => 'CodeRef',
         default   => sub { sub { 'called' } },
         handles   => {
             call => 'execute',
             # ...


See ``BUGS'' in Moose for details on reporting bugs.


Stevan Little <>

with contributions from:

Robert (rlb3) Boone

Paul (frodwith) Driver

Shawn (Sartak) Moore

Chris (perigrin) Prather

Robert (phaylon) Sedlacek

Tom (dec) Lanyon

Yuval Kogman

Jason May

Cory (gphat) Watson

Florian (rafl) Ragwitz

Evan Carroll

Jesse (doy) Luehrs

Jay Hannah

Robert Buels

Copyright 2007-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.