
Langue: en

Version: 2009-05-20 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Net::SSLGlue::SMTP - make Net::SMTP able to use SSL


         use Net::SSLGlue::SMTP;
         my $smtp_ssl = Net::SMTP->new( $host, 
                 SSL => 1,
                 SSL_ca_path => ...
         my $smtp_plain = Net::SMTP->new( $host );
         $smtp_plain->startssl( SSL_ca_path => ... );


Net::SSLGlue::SMTP expands Net::SMTP so one can either start directly with SSL or switch later to SSL using the STARTTLS command.

By default it will take care to verfify the certificate according to the rules for SMTP implemented in IO::Socket::SSL.


The method "new" of Net::SMTP is now able to start directly with SSL when the argument "<SSL =" 1>> is given. In this case it will not create an IO::Socket::INET object but an IO::Socket::SSL object. One can give the usual "SSL_*" parameter of IO::Socket::SSL to "Net::SMTP::new".
If the connection is not yet SSLified it will issue the STARTTLS command and change the object, so that SSL will now be used. The usual "SSL_*" parameter of IO::Socket::SSL will be given.
peer_certificate ...
Once the SSL connection is established the object is derived from IO::Socket::SSL so that you can use this method to get information about the certificate. See the IO::Socket::SSL documentation.

All of these methods can take the "SSL_*" parameter from IO::Socket::SSL to change the behavior of the SSL connection. Especially the following parameter are useful:

SSL_ca_path, SSL_ca_file
Specifies the path or a file where the CAs used for checking the certificates are located. Typical for UNIX systems is ``etc/ssl/certs''.
If set to 0 disabled verification of the certificate. By default it is 1 which means, that the peer certificate is checked.
Usually the name given as the hostname in the constructor is used to verify the identity of the certificate. If you want to check the certificate against another name you might specify it with this parameter.


IO::Socket::SSL, Net::SMTP This module is copyright (c) 2008, Steffen Ullrich. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.