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Version: 2001-09-24 (mandriva - 22/10/07)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


OpenCA::Tools - Misc Utilities PERL Extention.


   use OpenCA::Tools;


This module provides some tools to easy some standard actions. Current functions description follows:
         new             - Returns a reference to the object.
         getDate         - Returns a Printable date string.
         getFile         - Load data from a file passed as argument.
         saveFile        - Save DATA to FILENAME.
         copyFiles       - Copy file(s).
         moveFiles       - Move file(s).
         deleteFiles     - Delete file(s).
         cmpDate         - Compare two Printable date sting.
         isInsidePeriod  - Check wether give date is within given
         parseDN         - Parse a given DN returning an HASH value.


sub new () - Build new instance of the class.

         This function returns a new instance of the class. No parameters
                 my $tools = new OpenCA::Tools();

sub getDate () - Get a Printable date string.

         Returns a string representing current time (GMT or Local).
         Accepted parameters are:
                 FORMAT  - Use it to get local or GMT time.
                           Defaults to GMT.
                 print $tools->getDate();

sub copyFiles () - Copy file(s).

         Use this function to copy file(s). Source path can contain
         wildcards (i.e. '*') that will be expanded when copying.
         Accepted parameters are:
                 SRC  - Source full path.
                 DEST - Destination path.
                 $tools->copyFiles( SRC=>"", DEST=>"/tmp" );

sub moveFiles () - Move file(s).

         Use this function to move file(s). Source path can contain
         wildcards (i.e. '*') that will be expanded when copying.
         Accepted parameters are:
                 SRC  - Source full path.
                 DEST - Destination path.
                 $tools->moveFiles( SRC=>"", DEST=>"/tmp" );

sub deleteFiles () - Delete file(s).

         Use this function to delete file(s) once provided target
         directory and filter.
         Accepted parameters are:
                 DIR    - Directory containing file(s) to delete.
                 FILTER - File filtering(*).
         (*) - Optional parameters;
                 $tools->deleteFiles( DIR=>"/tmp", FILTER=>"prova.p*" );

sub cmpDate () - Compare two date strings.

         Use this function to get informations on relationship
         between the two provided date strings. Returns integer
         values like strcmp() do in C, so if DATE_1 'is later'
         than DATE_2 it returns a positive value. A negative value
         is returned in the countrart case while 0 is returned if
         the two dates are equal. Accepted parameters:
                 DATE_1  - First date string.
                 DATE_2  - Second date string.
                 $tools->cmpDate( DATA_1=>"$date1", DATA_2=>"$date2" );

sub isInsidePerios - Check if date is inside a given period.

         This functions returns a true (1) value if the provided
         date is within a given period. Accepted parameters are:
                 DATE     - Date string to check.
                 START    - Date string indicating period's starting(*).
                 END      - Date string indicating period's ending(*).
         (*) - Optional parameters;
                 if( not $tools->isInsidePeriod( DATE=>$d1, START=>$d2,
                                 END=>$d3 ) ) {
                         print "Non in period... \n";

sub parseDN () - Parse a given DN.

         This function parses a given DN string and returns an HASH
         value. Returned structure is as following:
                 KEY => VALUE,
         Only the OU key is instead a list:
                 OU => [ @list ]
                 $parsed = $tools->parseDN( $dn );
                 print $parsed->{CN};
                 foreach $tmp ( @{ $parsed->{OU} } ) {
                         print "OU=$tmp\n";


Massimiliano Pala <>


OpenCA::Configuration, OpenCA::TRIStateCGI, OpenCA::X509, OpenCA::CRL, OpenCA::REQ, OpenCA::OpenSSL, perl(1).