
Langue: en

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Version: 2001-12-01 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


OpenCA::X509 - Perl extension for basic handling x509 Certificates.


use OpenCA::X509;


This module contains all functions needed for handling of X509 certificates. It requires some parameters to be passed such as a reference to a OpenCA::OpenSSL instance.

This module provides an interface to X509 structures, no specific crypto functions are performed (see the OpenCA::OpenSSL module for this). When not said different, default operational format is PEM.


sub new () - Create a new instance of the Class.

         This function creates an instance of the module. If you
         provide a certificate it will be parsed and stored in
         local variable(s) for later usage. The function will return
         a blessed reference.
         Accepted parameters are:
                 SHELL       - Reference to an initialized
                               OpenCA::OpenSSL instance;
                 DATA        - Certificate to stored in structure(*);
                 INFILE      - Certificate file(*);
                 FORMAT      - Format of the provided certificate,
                               one of PEM|DER|NET(*);
         (*) - Optional parameter.
               $x509 = new OpenCA::X509( SHELL=>$crypto,

sub getParsed () - Get an hash structure from certificate

         By calling this function you can retrieve a reference to the
         parsed certificate (PERL hash). This structure will include,
         for example:
                 $ret->{SERIAL}          ## Serial Number
                 $ret->{DN}              ## Subject DN
                 $ret->{EMAIL}           ## Subject e-mail
                 $ret->{CN}              ## Subject CN
                 $ret->{OU}              ## Subject OU (list)
                 $ret->{O}               ## Subject Organization
                 $ret->{L}               ## Subject Locality
                 $ret->{S}               ## Subject State
                 $ret->{C}               ## Subject Country
                 $ret->{ISSUER}          ## Issuer DN
                 $ret->{NOTBEFORE}       ## Not Before Date
                 $ret->{NOTAFTER}        ## Not After Date (Expiration)
                 $ret->{PK_ALGORITHM}    ## Algorithm used (RSA,DSA,..)
                 $ret->{KEYSIZE}         ## Modulus (Size in bits)
                 $ret->{PUBKEY}          ## Public Key (Base64)
                 $ret->{FINGERPRINT}     ## Certificate Fingerprint
                 $ret->{HASH}            ## Hash
                 $ret->{EXPONENT}        ## Exponent
                 my $self->{parsedItem} = $x509->parseCertificate();
                 print $self->{parsedItem}->{SERIAL};
                 foreach $ou ( @{ $self->{parsedItem}->{OU} } ) {
                         print "OU=$ou, ";

sub status () - Get certificate status

         Get certificate status using provided OpenCA::CRL initialized
         reference as argument. Returned status can be Valid, Revoked,
         Expired and Unknown. Accepted arguments:
                 CRL   - Crl to check certificate status;
         The returned structure is:
                 my $status = $x509->status( CRL=>$crl );
                 print $status->{STATUS};

sub getPEM () - Get certificate in PEM format.

         Get certificate in PEM format.
                 $pem = $x509->getPEM();

sub getPEMHeader () - Get certificate's header in PEM format.

         Get certificate's header in PEM format.
                 $pem = $x509->getPEMHeader();

sub getDER () - Get certificate in DER format.

         Get certificate in DER format.
                 $der = $x509->getDER();

sub getTXT () - Get certificate in TXT format.

         Get certificate in TXT format.
                 $der = $x509->getTXT();

sub setHeaderAttribute

         Set an attribute in the header of a certificate.
         The certifcate must be in format PEM. The header
         is available via getHeader (). Attributes which
         are longer than one line are supported
         (e.g. PKCS7-signatures).
                 $x509->setHeaderAttribute ( ROLE => "User" );
                 $cert = $x509->getPEMHeader ()."\n";
                         $x509->getPEM ();


Massimiliano Pala <>


OpenCA::OpenSSL, OpenCA::CRL, OpenCA::REQ, OpenCA::X509