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Version: 2009-03-22 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


POE::Component::Client::MPD - a full-blown mpd client library


     use POE qw{ Component::Client::MPD };
     POE::Component::Client::MPD->spawn( {
         host     => 'localhost',
         port     => 6600,
         password => 's3kr3t',  # mpd password
         alias    => 'mpd',     # poe alias
     } );
     # ... later on ...
     $_[KERNEL]->post( 'mpd', 'next' );


POCOCM gives a clear message-passing interface (sitting on top of POE) for talking to and controlling MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers. A connection to the MPD server is established as soon as a new POCOCM object is created.

Commands are then sent to the server as messages are passed.


my $id = POCOCM->spawn( \%params )

This method will create a POE session responsible for communicating with mpd. It will return the poe id of the session newly created.

You can tune the pococm by passing some arguments as a hash reference, where the hash keys are:


The hostname of the mpd server. If none given, defaults to "MPD_HOST" environment variable. If this var isn't set, defaults to "localhost".


The port of the mpd server. If none given, defaults to "MPD_PORT" environment variable. If this var isn't set, defaults to 6600.


The password to sent to mpd to authenticate the client. If none given, defaults to "MPD_PASSWORD" environment variable. If this var isn't set, defaults to "".


An optional string to alias the newly created POE session.


A session (name or id) to whom to send connection status to. Optional, although recommended. No default.


POCOCM accepts two types of events: some are used to drive the mpd server, others will change the pococm status. The goal of a POCOCM session is to drive a remote MPD server. This can be achieved by a lot of events. Due to their sheer number, they have been regrouped logically in modules.

However, note that to use those events, you need to send them to the POCOCM session that you created with "spawn()" (see above). Indeed, the logical split is only internal: you are to use the same peer.

For a list of public events that update and/or query MPD, see embedded pod in:

"POCOCM::Commands" for general commands
"POCOCM::Playlist" for playlist-related commands. Those events begin with "pl.".
"POCOCM::Collection" for collection-related commands. Those events begin with "coll.".
Those events allow to drive the POCOCM session.

Request the POCOCM to be shutdown. Leave mpd running. Generally sent when one wants to exit her program.


A POCOCM session will fire events, either to answer an incoming event, or to inform about some changes regarding the remote MPD server.

Answer events

For each incoming event received by the POCOCM session, it will fire back one of the following answers:
mpd_result( $msg, $answer )

Indicates a success. $msg is a "POCOCM::Message" object with the original request, to identify the issued command (see "POCOCM::Message" pod for more information). Its "status()" attribute is true, further confirming success.

$answer is what has been answered by the MPD server. Depending on the command, it can be either:

"undef": commands "play", etc.
an "Audio::MPD::Common::Stats" object: command "stats"
an "Audio::MPD::Common::Status" object: command "status"
an "Audio::MPD::Common::Item" object: commands "song", etc.
an array reference: commands "coll.files", etc.

Refer to the documentation of each event to know what type of answer you can expect.
mpd_error( $msg, $errstr )

Indicates a failure. $msg is a "POCOCM::Message" object with the original request, to identify the issued command (see "POCOCM::Message" pod for more information). Its "status()" attribute is false, further confirming failure.

$errstr is what the error message as returned been answered by the MPD server.

Auto-generated events

To be written.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-poe-component-client-mpd at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=POE-Component-Client-MPD>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find more information on the mpd project on its homepage at <http://www.musicpd.org>, or its wiki <http://mpd.wikia.com>.

"POE::Component::Client::MPD development" takes place on "<audio-mpd at googlegroups.com>": feel free to join us. (use <http://groups.google.com/group/audio-mpd> to sign in). Our git repository is located at <git://repo.or.cz/poe-component-client-mpd.git>, and can be browsed at <http://repo.or.cz/w/poe-component-client-mpd.git>.

You can also look for information on this module at:

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Jerome Quelin, "<jquelin@cpan.org>" Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.