
Langue: en

Version: 2008-05-14 (fedora - 06/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


PPI::Statement::Include - Statements that include other code


   # The following are all includes
   use 5.006;
   use strict;
   use My::Module;
   use constant FOO => 'Foo';
   require Foo::Bar;
   require "Foo/Bar.pm";
   require $foo if 1;
   no strict 'refs';


   isa PPI::Statement
       isa PPI::Node
           isa PPI::Element


Despite its name, the "PPI::Statement::Include" class covers a number of different types of statement that cover all statements starting with "use", "no" and "require".

But basically, they cover three situations.

Firstly, a dependency on a particular version of perl (for which the "version" method returns true), a pragma (for which the "pragma" method returns true, or the loading (and unloading via no) of modules.


"PPI::Statement::Include" has a number of methods in addition to the standard PPI::Statement, PPI::Node and PPI::Element methods.


The "type" method returns the general type of statement ('use', 'no' or 'require').

Returns the type as a string, or "undef" if the type cannot be detected.


The "module" method returns the module name specified in any include statement. This "includes" pragma names, because pragma are implemented as modules. (And lets face it, the definition of a pragma can be fuzzy at the best of times in any case)

This covers all of these...

   use strict;
   use My::Module;
   no strict;
   require My::Module;

...but does not cover any of these...

   use 5.006;
   require 5.005;
   require "explicit/file/name.pl";

Returns the module name as a string, or "undef" if the include does not specify a module name.


The "pragma" method checks for an include statement's use as a pragma, and returns it if so.

Or at least, it claims to. In practice it's a lot harder to say exactly what is or isn't a pragma, because the definition is fuzzy.

The "intent" of a pragma is to modify the way in which the parser works. This is done though the use of modules that do various types of internals magic.

For now, PPI assumes that any ``module name'' that is only a set of lowercase letters (and perhaps numbers, like "use utf8;"). This behaviour is expected to change, most likely to something that knows the specific names of the various ``pragmas''.

Returns the name of the pragma, or false ('') if the include is not a pragma.

The "version" method checks for an include statement that introduces a dependency on the version of "perl" the code is compatible with.

This covers two specific statements.

   use 5.006;
   require 5.006;

Currently the version is returned as a string, although in future the version may be returned as a numeric literal, or more likely as a version object. Returns false if the statement is not a version dependency.


- Write specific unit tests for this package


See the support section in the main module.


Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org> Copyright 2001 - 2008 Adam Kennedy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.