
Langue: en

Version: 2009-03-07 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI - Utility functions for dealing with PPI objects.


Provides classification of PPI::Elements.


This is considered to be a public module. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle.


"is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement( $element )"
Answers whether the parameter is an expression or an undifferentiated statement. I.e. the parameter either is a PPI::Statement::Expression or the class of the parameter is PPI::Statement and not one of its subclasses other than "Expression".
"is_ppi_generic_statement( $element )"
Answers whether the parameter is an undifferentiated statement, i.e. the parameter is a PPI::Statement but not one of its subclasses.
"is_ppi_statement_subclass( $element )"
Answers whether the parameter is a specialized statement, i.e. the parameter is a PPI::Statement but the class of the parameter is not PPI::Statement.
"is_subroutine_declaration( $element )"
Is the parameter a subroutine declaration, named or not?
"is_in_subroutine( $element )"
Is the parameter a subroutine or inside one?
Given a PPI::Statement, if the statement is a "use constant" or Readonly declaration statement, return the name of the thing being defined.


     use constant 1.16 FOO => 'bar';

this will return ``FOO''. Similarly, given

     Readonly::Hash my %FOO => ( bar => 'baz' );

this will return ``%FOO''.


Elliot Shank <> Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Elliot Shank. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.