
Langue: en

Version: 2008-11-06 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility - Utility function for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel


     use strict;
     use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility qw(ExcelFmt ExcelLocaltime LocaltimeExcel);
     #Convert localtime ->Excel Time
     my $iBirth = LocaltimeExcel(11, 10, 12, 23, 2, 64);
                                # = 1964-3-23 12:10:11
     print $iBirth, "\n";       # 23459.5070717593
     #Convert Excel Time -> localtime
     my @aBirth = ExcelLocaltime($iBirth, undef);
     print join(":", @aBirth), "\n";   # 11:10:12:23:2:64:1:0
     print ExcelFmt('yyyy-mm-dd', $iBirth), "\n"; #1964-3-23
     print ExcelFmt('m-d-yy', $iBirth), "\n";     # 3-23-64
     print ExcelFmt('#,##0', $iBirth), "\n";      # 23,460
     print ExcelFmt('#,##0.00', $iBirth), "\n";   # 23,459.51
     print ExcelFmt('"My Birthday is (m/d):" m/d', $iBirth), "\n";
                                       # My Birthday is (m/d): 3/23


Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility exports utility functions concerned with Excel format setting.


This module can export 3 functions: ExcelFmt, ExcelLocaltime and LocaltimeExcel.


$sTxt = ExcelFmt($sFmt, $iData [, $i1904]);

$sFmt is a format string for Excel. $iData is the target value. If $flg1904 is true, this functions assumes that epoch is 1904. $sTxt is the result.

For more detail and examples, please refer sample/chkFmt.pl in this distribution.



($iSec, $iMin, $iHour, $iDay, $iMon, $iYear, $iwDay, $iMSec) =
            ExcelLocaltime($iExTime [, $flg1904]);

ExcelLocaltime converts time information in Excel format into Perl localtime format. $iExTime is a time of Excel. If $flg1904 is true, this functions assumes that epoch is 1904. $iSec, $iMin, $iHour, $iDay, $iMon, $iYear, $iwDay are same as localtime. $iMSec means 1/1,000,000 seconds(ms).


$iExTime = LocaltimeExcel($iSec, $iMin, $iHour, $iDay, $iMon, $iYear [,$iMSec] [,$flg1904])

LocaltimeExcel converts time information in Perl localtime format into Excel format . $iSec, $iMin, $iHour, $iDay, $iMon, $iYear are same as localtime.

If $flg1904 is true, this functions assumes that epoch is 1904. $iExTime is a time of Excel.


$iInt = col2int($sCol);

converts a excel row letter into an int for use in an array

This function was contributed by Kevin Mulholland.


$sCol = int2col($iRow);

convert a column number into column letters NOET: This is quite a brute force coarse method does not manage values over 701 (ZZ)

This function was contributed by Kevin Mulholland.


($iRow, $iCol) = sheetRef($sStr);

convert an excel letter-number address into a useful array address NOTE: That also Excel uses X-Y notation, we normally use Y-X in arrays $sStr, excel coord (eg. A2).

This function was contributed by Kevin Mulholland.


$sCsvTxt = xls2csv($sFileName, $sRegion, $iRotate);

convert a chunk of an excel file into csv text chunk $sRegions = ``sheet-colrow:colrow'' (ex. '1-A1:B2' means 'A1:B2' for sheet 1) $iRotate = 0 or 1 (output should be rotated or not)

This function was contributed by Kevin Mulholland.


Kawai Takanori (Hippo2000) kwitknr@cpan.org
     http://member.nifty.ne.jp/hippo2000/            (Japanese)
     http://member.nifty.ne.jp/hippo2000/index_e.htm (English)


Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel This module is part of the Spreadsheet::ParseExcel distribution.