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Version: 2005-07-24 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)

Sprog Internals - Notes for Developers

The Sprog application uses an MVC(ish) architecture:
The Sprog::Machine class tracks which gears have been placed in the workspace, as well as the connections between them. When a machine is set running, the machine class creates a scheduler instance to handle the passing of messages between gears. The scheduler object is discarded when the machine stops running.
The Sprog::GtkView class handles the user interface. It uses a number of specialised classes to implement elements such as the palette and the workspace. The Sprog::GtkGearView class handles the appearance and user interface for the gears themselves.
The Sprog class controls the creation of the model and the view and the passing of messages between them. It is also responsible for parsing command-line arguments and other setup tasks.

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gear internals