
Langue: en

Autres versions - même langue

Version: 2009-06-08 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate - a port to Perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor.


  #if you want to create a compiled executable, you may want to do this:
  use Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::All;
  use Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate;
  my $hl = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate(
     language => 'Perl',
     substitutions => {
        "<" => "&lt;",
        ">" => "&gt;",
        "&" => "&amp;",
        " " => "&nbsp;",
        "\t" => "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",
        "\n" => "<BR>\n",
     format_table => {
        Alert => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\">", "</font>"],
        BaseN => ["<font color=\"#007f00\">", "</font>"],
        BString => ["<font color=\"#c9a7ff\">", "</font>"],
        Char => ["<font color=\"#ff00ff\">", "</font>"],
        Comment => ["<font color=\"#7f7f7f\"><i>", "</i></font>"],
        DataType => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\">", "</font>"],
        DecVal => ["<font color=\"#00007f\">", "</font>"],
        Error => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\"><b><i>", "</i></b></font>"],
        Float => ["<font color=\"#00007f\">", "</font>"],
        Function => ["<font color=\"#007f00\">", "</font>"],
        IString => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\">", ""],
        Keyword => ["<b>", "</b>"],
        Normal => ["", ""],
        Operator => ["<font color=\"#ffa500\">", "</font>"],
        Others => ["<font color=\"#b03060\">", "</font>"],
        RegionMarker => ["<font color=\"#96b9ff\"><i>", "</i></font>"],
        Reserved => ["<font color=\"#9b30ff\"><b>", "</b></font>"],
        String => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\">", "</font>"],
        Variable => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\"><b>", "</b></font>"],
        Warning => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><i>", "</b></i></font>"],
  my $hl = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl(
     substitutions => {
        "<" => "&lt;",
        ">" => "&gt;",
        "&" => "&amp;",
        " " => "&nbsp;",
        "\t" => "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",
        "\n" => "<BR>\n",
     format_table => {
        Alert => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\">", "</font>"],
        BaseN => ["<font color=\"#007f00\">", "</font>"],
        BString => ["<font color=\"#c9a7ff\">", "</font>"],
        Char => ["<font color=\"#ff00ff\">", "</font>"],
        Comment => ["<font color=\"#7f7f7f\"><i>", "</i></font>"],
        DataType => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\">", "</font>"],
        DecVal => ["<font color=\"#00007f\">", "</font>"],
        Error => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\"><b><i>", "</i></b></font>"],
        Float => ["<font color=\"#00007f\">", "</font>"],
        Function => ["<font color=\"#007f00\">", "</font>"],
        IString => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\">", ""],
        Keyword => ["<b>", "</b>"],
        Normal => ["", ""],
        Operator => ["<font color=\"#ffa500\">", "</font>"],
        Others => ["<font color=\"#b03060\">", "</font>"],
        RegionMarker => ["<font color=\"#96b9ff\"><i>", "</i></font>"],
        Reserved => ["<font color=\"#9b30ff\"><b>", "</b></font>"],
        String => ["<font color=\"#ff0000\">", "</font>"],
        Variable => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\"><b>", "</b></font>"],
        Warning => ["<font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><i>", "</b></i></font>"],
  print "<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n";
  while (my $in = <>) {
     print $hl->highlightText($in);
  print "</body>\n</html>\n";


Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate is a port to perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor.

The language xml files of kate have been rewritten to perl modules using a script. These modules function as plugins to this module.

Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate inherits Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template.


Specify the language you want highlighted. look in the PLUGINS section for supported languages.
If you created your own language plugins you may specify a list of them with this option.
  plugins => [
    ["MyModuleName", "MyLanguageName", "*,ext1;*.ext2", "Section"],
This option must be specified if the highlightText method needs to do anything usefull for you. All mentioned keys in the synopsis must be specified.
With this option you can specify additional formatting options.


returns a reference to the extensions hash,
Sets and returns the current language that is highlighted. when setting the language a reset is also done.
Suggests language name for the fiven file $filename
returns a list of languages for which plugins have been defined.
returns the module name of the plugin for $language
Suggests language name for the fiven file $filename
Returns a reference to the sections hash.


In the kate XML syntax files you find under the section <itemDatas> entries like <itemData name=``Unknown Property'' defStyleNum=``dsError'' italic=``1''/>. Kate is an editor so it is ok to have definitions for forground and background colors and so on. However, since this Module is supposed to be a more universal highlight engine, the attributes need to be fully abstract. In which case, Kate does not have enough default attributes defined to fullfill all needs. Kate defines the following standard attributes: dsNormal, dsKeyword, dsDataType, dsDecVal, dsBaseN, dsFloat, dsChar, dsString, dsComment, dsOthers, dsAlert, dsFunction, dsRegionMarker, dsError. This module leaves out the ``ds'' part and uses following additional attributes: BString, IString, Operator, Reserved, Variable. I have modified the XML files so that each highlight mode would get it's own attribute. In quite a few cases still not enough attributes were defined. So in some languages different modes have the same attribute.


Below an overview of existing plugins. All have been tested on use and can be created. The ones for which no samplefile is available are marked. Those marked OK have highlighted the testfile without appearant mistakes. This does not mean that all bugs are shaken out.
  LANGUAGE             MODULE                   COMMENT
  ********             ******                   ******
  .desktop             Desktop                  OK
  4GL                  FourGL                   No sample file
  4GL-PER              FourGLminusPER           No sample file
  ABC                  ABC                      OK
  AHDL                 AHDL                     OK
  ANSI C89             ANSI_C89                 No sample file
  ASP                  ASP                      OK
  AVR Assembler        AVR_Assembler            OK
  AWK                  AWK                      OK
  Ada                  Ada                      No sample file
                       Alerts                   OK hidden module
  Ansys                Ansys                    No sample file
  Apache Configuration Apache_Configuration     No sample file
  Asm6502              Asm6502                  No sample file
  Bash                 Bash                     OK
  BibTeX               BibTex                   OK
  C                    C                        No sample file
  C#                   Cdash                    No sample file
  C++                  Cplusplus                OK
  CGiS                 CGiS                     No sample file
  CMake                CMake                    OK
  CSS                  CSS                      OK
  CUE Sheet            CUE_Sheet                No sample file
  Cg                   Cg                       No sample file
  ChangeLog            ChangeLog                No sample file
  Cisco                Cisco                    No sample file
  Clipper              Clipper                  OK
  ColdFusion           ColdFusion               No sample file
  Common Lisp          Common_Lisp              OK
  Component-Pascal     ComponentminusPascal     No sample file
  D                    D                        No sample file
  Debian Changelog     Debian_Changelog         No sample file
  Debian Control       Debian_Control           No sample file
  Diff                 Diff                     No sample file
  Doxygen              Doxygen                  OK
  E Language           E_Language               OK
  Eiffel               Eiffel                   No sample file
  Email                Email                    OK
  Euphoria             Euphoria                 OK
  Fortran              Fortran                  OK
  FreeBASIC            FreeBASIC                No sample file
  GDL                  GDL                      No sample file
  GLSL                 GLSL                     OK
  GNU Assembler        GNU_Assembler            No sample file
  GNU Gettext          GNU_Gettext              No sample file
  HTML                 HTML                     OK
  Haskell              Haskell                  OK
  IDL                  IDL                      No sample file
  ILERPG               ILERPG                   No sample file
  INI Files            INI_Files                No sample file
  Inform               Inform                   No sample file
  Intel x86 (NASM)     Intel_X86_NASM           seems to have issues
  JSP                  JSP                      OK
  Java                 Java                     OK
  JavaScript           JavaScript               OK
  Javadoc              Javadoc                  No sample file
  KBasic               KBasic                   No sample file
  Kate File Template   Kate_File_Template       No sample file
  LDIF                 LDIF                     No sample file
  LPC                  LPC                      No sample file
  LaTeX                LaTex                    OK
  Lex/Flex             Lex_Flex                 OK
  LilyPond             LilyPond                 OK
  Literate Haskell     Literate_Haskell         OK
  Lua                  Lua                      No sample file
  M3U                  M3U                      OK
  MAB-DB               MABminusDB               No sample file
  MIPS Assembler       MIPS_Assembler           No sample file
  Makefile             Makefile                 No sample file
  Mason                Mason                    No sample file
  Matlab               Matlab                   has issues
  Modula-2             Modulaminus2             No sample file
  Music Publisher      Music_Publisher          No sample file
  Octave               Octave                   OK
  PHP (HTML)           PHP_HTML                 OK
                       PHP_PHP                  OK hidden module
  POV-Ray              POV_Ray                  OK
  Pascal               Pascal                   No sample file
  Perl                 Perl                     OK
  PicAsm               PicAsm                   OK
  Pike                 Pike                     OK
  PostScript           PostScript               OK
  Prolog               Prolog                   No sample file
  PureBasic            PureBasic                OK
  Python               Python                   OK
  Quake Script         Quake_Script             No sample file
  R Script             R_Script                 No sample file
  REXX                 REXX                     No sample file
  RPM Spec             RPM_Spec                 No sample file
  RSI IDL              RSI_IDL                  No sample file
  RenderMan RIB        RenderMan_RIB            OK
  Ruby                 Ruby                     OK
  SGML                 SGML                     No sample file
  SML                  SML                      No sample file
  SQL                  SQL                      No sample file
  SQL (MySQL)          SQL_MySQL                No sample file
  SQL (PostgreSQL)     SQL_PostgreSQL           No sample file
  Sather               Sather                   No sample file
  Scheme               Scheme                   OK
  Sieve                Sieve                    No sample file
  Spice                Spice                    OK
  Stata                Stata                    OK
  TI Basic             TI_Basic                 No sample file
  TaskJuggler          TaskJuggler              No sample file
  Tcl/Tk               TCL_Tk                   OK
  UnrealScript         UnrealScript             OK
  VHDL                 VHDL                     No sample file
  VRML                 VRML                     OK
  Velocity             Velocity                 No sample file
  Verilog              Verilog                  No sample file
  WINE Config          WINE_Config              No sample file
  Wikimedia            Wikimedia                No sample file
  XML                  XML                      OK
  XML (Debug)          XML_Debug                No sample file
  Yacc/Bison           Yacc_Bison               OK
  de_DE                De_DE                    No sample file
  en_EN                En_EN                    No sample file
  ferite               Ferite                   No sample file
  nl                   Nl                       No sample file
  progress             Progress                 No sample file
  scilab               Scilab                   No sample file
  txt2tags             Txt2tags                 No sample file Configuration  X_org_Configuration      OK
  xHarbour             XHarbour                 OK
  xslt                 Xslt                     No sample file
  yacas                Yacas                    No sample file


Float is detected differently than in the Kate editor.

The regular expression engine of the Kate editor, qregexp, appears to be more tolerant to mistakes in regular expressions than perl. This might lead to error messages and differences in behaviour. Most of the problems were sorted out while developing, because error messages appeared. For as far as differences in behaviour is concerned, testing is the only way to find out, so i hope the users out there will be able to tell me more.

This module is mimicking the behaviour of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate editor. If you find a bug/mistake in the highlighting, please check if Kate behaves in the same way. If yes, the cause is likely to be found there.


Rebuild the scripts i am using to generate the modules from xml files so they are more pro-actively tracking flaws in the build of the xml files like missing lists. Also regular expressions in the xml can be tested better before used in plugins.

Refine the testmethods in Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template, so that choices for casesensitivity, dynamic behaviour and lookahead can be determined at generate time of the plugin, might increase throughput.

Implement codefolding.


All the people who wrote Kate and the syntax highlight xml files. This module is written and maintained by:

Hans Jeuken < haje at toneel dot demon dot nl >

Copyright (c) 2006 by Hans Jeuken, all rights reserved.

You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the same terms as Perl itself.


Synax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template http:://