
Langue: en

Version: 2008-07-19 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Test::Smoke::BuildCFG - OO interface for handling build configurations


     use Test::Smoke::BuildCFG;
     my $name = 'perlcurrent.cfg';
     my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->new( $name );
     foreach my $config ( $bcfg->configurations ) {
         # do somthing with $config


Handle the build configurations


Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->new( [$cfgname] )
[ Constructor | Public ]

Initialise a new object.

Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->continue( $logfile[, $cfgname, %options] )
[Constructor | public]

Initialize a new object without the configurations that have already been fully processed. If *all* configurations have been processed, just pass the equivalent of the "new()" method.

Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->config( $key[, $value] )
[ Accessor | Public ]

"config()" is an interface to the package lexical %CONFIG, which holds all the default values for the "new()" arguments.

With the special key all_defaults this returns a reference to a hash holding all the default values.

$self->read_parse( $cfgname )
"read_parse()" reads the build configurations file and parses it.
$self->_read( $nameorref )
"_read()" is a private method that handles the reading.
Reference to a SCALAR build configurations are in $$nameorref
Reference to an ARRAY build configurations are in @$nameorref
Reference to a GLOB build configurations are read from the filehandle
Other values are taken as the filename for the build configurations
$self->_parse( )
"_parse()" will split the build configurations file in sections. Sections are ended with a line that begins with an equals-sign ('=').

There are two types of section

A policy-section contains a ``target-option''. This is a build option that should be in the ccflags variable in the Policy.sh file (see also Test::Smoke::Policy) and starts with a (forward) slash ('/').

A policy-section can have only one (1) target-option.

$self->_serialize( )
"_serialize()" creates a list of Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config objects from the parsed sections.
__build_list( $list, $previous_args, $policy_subst, $this_cfg, @cfgs )
Recursive sub, mainly taken from the old "run_tests()" in mktest.pl
$buildcfg->configurations( )
Returns the list of configurations (Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config objects)
$buildcfg->policy_targets( )
Returns a list of policytargets from the policy substitution sections
Return the parsed configuration as a string.
__get_smoked_configs( $logfile )
Parse the logfile and return a hash(ref) of already processed configurations.
This is a constant that returns a textversion of the default configuration.
new_configuration( $config )
A wrapper around "Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new()" so the object is accessible from outside this package.


Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config - OO interface for a build confiuration


     my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new( $args, $policy );


     my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new;
     $bcfg->args( $args );
     $bcfg->policy( [ -DDEBUGGING => '-DDEBUGGING' ], 
                    [ -DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE => '' ] );
     if ( $bcfg->has_arg( '-Duseithreads' ) ) {
         # do stuff for -Duseithreads


This is a simple object that holds both the build arguments and the policy substitutions. The build arguments are stored as a string and the policy subtitutions are stored as a list of lists. Each substitution is represented as a list with the two elements: the target and its substitute.


Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new( [ $args[, \@policy_substs ]] )
Create the new object as an anonymous list.
$buildcfg->args( [$args] )
Accessor for the build arguments field.
$buildcfg->policy( [@substitutes] )
Accessor for the policy substitutions.
$self->_split_args( )
Create a hash with all the build arguments as keys.
$buildcfg->has_arg( $arg[,...] )
Check the build arguments hash for $arg. If you specify more then one the results will be logically ANDed!
$buildcfg->any_arg( $arg[,...] )
Check the build arguments hash for $arg. If you specify more then one the results will be logically ORed!
$buildcfg->args_eq( $args )
"args_eq()" takes a string of config arguments and returns true if $self has exactly the same args as the $args has.

There is the small matter of default_args (dfopts) kept as a Class variable in Test::Smoke::BuildCFG!

rm_arg( $arg[,..] )
Simply remove the argument(s) from the list and recreate the arguments line.
Redo the the commandline switches in a VMSish way.


Test::Smoke::Smoker, Test::Smoke::Syncer::Policy (c) 2002-2003, All rights reserved.
   * Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.