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Version: 2009-11-29 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Test::Valgrind::Session - Test::Valgrind session object.


Version 1.12


This class supervises the execution of the "valgrind" process. It also acts as a dispatcher between the different components.


new search_dirs => \@search_dirs, valgrind => [ $valgrind | \@valgrind ], min_version => $min_version, no_def_supp => $no_def_supp, extra_supps => \@extra_supps

The package constructor, which takes several options :
All the directories from @search_dirs will have valgrind appended to create a list of candidates for the "valgrind" executable.

Defaults to the current "PATH" environment variable.

If a simple scalar $valgrind is passed as the value to 'valgrind', it will be the only candidate. @search_dirs will then be ignored.

If an array refernce "\@valgrind" is passed, its values will be prepended to the list of the candidates resulting from @search_dirs.

$min_version specifies the minimal "valgrind" version required. The constructor will croak if it's not able to find an adequate "valgrind" from the supplied candidates list and search path.

Defaults to none.

If $no_def_supp is false, "valgrind" won't read the default suppression file associated with the tool and the command.

Defaults to false.

$extra_supps is a reference to an array of optional suppression files that will be passed to "valgrind".

Defaults to none.


The path to the selected "valgrind" executable.


The version object associated to the selected "valgrind".


Read-only accessor for the "no_def_supp" option.


Read-only accessor for the "extra_supps" option.

run action => $action, tool => $tool, command => $command

Runs the command $command through "valgrind" with the tool $tool, which will report to the action $action.

If the command is a Test::Valgrind::Command::Aggregate object, the action and the tool will be initialized once before running all the aggregated commands.


Read-only accessor for the "action" associated to the current run.


Read-only accessor for the "tool" associated to the current run.


Read-only accessor for the "parser" associated to the current tool.


Read-only accessor for the "command" associated to the current run.


Forwards to "->action->do_suppressions".


Calls "->tool->parser_class" with the current session object as the unique argument.


Calls "->tool->report_class" with the current session object as the unique argument.


Returns an absolute path to the default suppression file associated to the current session.

"undef" will be returned as soon as any of "->command->suppressions_tag" or "->tool->suppressions_tag" are also "undef". Otherwise, the file part of the name is builded by joining those two together, and the directory part is roughly File::HomeDir->my_home / .perl / Test-Valgrind / suppressions / $VERSION.


Returns the list of all the suppressions that will be passed to "valgrind". Honors ``no_def_supp'' and ``extra_supps''.


Starts the action and tool associated to the current run. It's automatically called at the beginning of ``run''.

abort $msg

Forwards to "->action->abort" after unshifting the session object to the argument list.

report $report

Forwards to "->action->report" after unshifting the session object to the argument list.


Finishes the action and tool associated to the current run. It's automatically called at the end of ``run''.


Returns the status code of the last run of the session.


Test::Valgrind, Test::Valgrind::Action, Test::Valgrind::Command, Test::Valgrind::Tool, Test::Valgrind::Parser.

version, File::HomeDir.


Vincent Pit, "<perl at profvince.com>", <http://www.profvince.com>.

You can contact me by mail or on "irc.perl.org" (vincent).


Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-test-valgrind at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Test-Valgrind>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
     perldoc Test::Valgrind::Session
Copyright 2009 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.