
Langue: en

Version: 2008-05-05 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Time::ParseDate -- date parsing both relative and absolute


         use Time::ParseDate;
         $seconds_since_jan1_1970 = parsedate("12/11/94 2pm", NO_RELATIVE => 1)
         $seconds_since_jan1_1970 = parsedate("12/11/94 2pm", %options)


Date parsing can also use options. The options are as follows:
         FUZZY   -> it's okay not to parse the entire date string
         NOW     -> the "current" time for relative times (defaults to time())
         ZONE    -> local timezone (defaults to $ENV{TZ})
         WHOLE   -> the whole input string must be parsed
         GMT     -> input time is assumed to be GMT, not localtime
         UK      -> prefer UK style dates (dd/mm over mm/dd)
         DATE_REQUIRED -> do not default the date
         TIME_REQUIRED -> do not default the time
         NO_RELATIVE -> input time is not relative to NOW
         TIMEFIRST -> try parsing time before date [not default]
         PREFER_PAST -> when year or day of week is ambiguous, assume past
         PREFER_FUTURE -> when year or day of week is ambiguous, assume future
         SUBSECOND -> parse fraction seconds
         VALIDATE -> only accept normal values for HHMMSS, YYMMDD.  Otherwise
                 days like -1 might give the last day of the previous month.


Absolute date formats

         Dow, dd Mon yy
         Dow, dd Mon yyyy
         Dow, dd Mon
         dd Mon yy
         dd Mon yyyy
         Month day{st,nd,rd,th}, year
         Month day{st,nd,rd,th}
         Mon dd yyyy
         yyyy-mm-dd      (usually the best date specification syntax)
         yy/mm      (only if year > 12, or > 31 if UK)
         yy/mm/dd   (only if year > 12 and day < 32, or year > 31 if UK)
         dd/mm/yy   (only if UK, or an invalid mm/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd)
         dd/mm/yyyy (only if UK, or an invalid mm/dd/yyyy)
         dd/mm      (only if UK, or an invalid mm/dd)

Relative date formats:

         count "days"
         count "weeks"
         count "months"
         count "years"
         Dow "after next"
         Dow "before last"
         Dow                     (requires PREFER_PAST or PREFER_FUTURE)
         "next" Dow
         "last" dow
         "last week"
         "now" "+" count units
         "now" "-" count units
         "+" count units         
         "-" count units
         count units "ago"

Absolute time formats:


Relative time formats:

         count "minutes"         (count can be franctional "1.5" or "1 1/2")
         count "seconds"
         count "hours"
         "+" count units
         "+" count
         "-" count units
         "-" count
         count units "ago"

Timezone formats:

         [+-]dddd (TZN)

Special formats:

         [ d]d/Mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss [[+-]dddd]


This module recognizes the above date/time formats. Usually a date and a time are specified. There are numerous options for controlling what is recognized and what is not.

The return code is always the time in seconds since January 1st, 1970 or undef if it was unable to parse the time.

If a timezone is specified it must be after the time. Year specifications can be tacked onto the end of absolute times.

If "parsedate()" is called from array context, then it will return two elements. On sucessful parses, it will return the seconds and what remains of its input string. On unsucessful parses, it will return "undef" and an error string.


         $seconds = parsedate("Mon Jan  2 04:24:27 1995");
         $seconds = parsedate("Tue Apr 4 00:22:12 PDT 1995");
         $seconds = parsedate("04.04.95 00:22", ZONE => PDT);
         $seconds = parsedate("Jan 1 1999 11:23:34.578", SUBSECOND => 1);
         $seconds = parsedate("122212 950404", ZONE => PDT, TIMEFIRST => 1);
         $seconds = parsedate("+3 secs", NOW => 796978800);
         $seconds = parsedate("2 months", NOW => 796720932);
         $seconds = parsedate("last Tuesday");
         $seconds = parsedate("Sunday before last");
         ($seconds, $remaining) = parsedate("today is the day");
         ($seconds, $error) = parsedate("today is", WHOLE=>1);


David Muir Sharnoff <muir@idiom.com>.


Copyright (C) 1996-2006 David Muir Sharnoff. License hereby granted for anyone to use, modify or redistribute this module at their own risk. Please feed useful changes back to muir@idiom.com.