
Langue: en

Version: 2003-08-24 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Tk::ProgressBar::Mac - a blue, 3-D Macintosh Classic progress bar.


  use Tk::ProgressBar::Mac;
  $pb = $parent->ProgressBar(-option => value);


This widget provides a dynamic image that looks just like a Mac OS 9 progress bar. Packed around it are four Frames, north, south, east and west, within which you can stuff additional widgets. For example, see how Tk::Copy::Mac uses several Labels and a CollapsableFrame widget to create a reasonable facsimile of a Macintosh copy dialog.

The following option/value pairs are supported:

The maximun width of the Progressbar.


Resets the progress bar image so that it appears unused (a $pb->set(0) still shows the bar's base and end cap).
Sets the width of the progress bar, as a percentage of -width.


Component subwidgets can be accessed via the Subwidget method. Valid subwidget names are listed below.
Name: label, Class: Label
   Widget reference of the Label containing the ProgressBar
   Photo image.
Name: tframe, Class: Frame
   Widget reference of the Frame north the ProgressBar.
Name: bframe, Class: Frame
   Widget reference of the Frame south the ProgressBar.
Name: lframe, Class: Frame
   Widget reference of the Frame west the ProgressBar.
Name: rframe, Class: Frame
   Widget reference of the Frame east the ProgressBar.


  use Tk;
  use Tk::ProgressBar::Mac;
  use strict;
  my $mw = MainWindow->new;
  my $pb = $mw->ProgressBar(-width => 150, -bg => 'cyan')->pack;
  while (1) {
      my $w = rand(100);

Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003, Stephen O. Lidie.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Apple, ProgressBar