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Version: 2007-08-09 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Vend::Payment::Skipjack - Interchange Skipjack Support


     [charge mode=skipjack param1=value1 param2=value2]


   LWP::UserAgent and Crypt::SSLeay

Only one of these need be present and working.


The Vend::Payment::Skipjack module implements the skipjack() routine for using Skipjack IC payment services with Interchange. It is compatible on a call level with the other Interchange payment modules --- in theory (and even usually in practice) you could switch from CyberCash to Skipjack with a few configuration file changes.

To enable this module, place this directive in "interchange.cfg":

     Require module Vend::Payment::Skipjack

This must be in interchange.cfg or a file included from it.

NOTE: Make sure CreditCardAuto is off (default in Interchange demos).

The mode can be named anything, but the "gateway" parameter must be set to "skipjack". To make it the default payment gateway for all credit card transactions in a specific catalog, you can set in "catalog.cfg":

     Variable   MV_PAYMENT_MODE  skipjack

It uses several of the standard settings from Interchange payment. Any time we speak of a setting, it is obtained either first from the tag/call options, then from an Interchange order Route named for the mode, then finally a default global payment variable, For example, the "id" parameter would be specified by:

     [charge mode=skipjack id=YourSkipjackID]


     Route skipjack id YourSkipjackID

or with only Skipjack as a payment provider

     Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID      YourskipjackID

A fully valid catalog.cfg entry to work with the standard demo would be:

     Variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE      skipjack
     Route skipjack id             YourSkipjackID
     Route skipjack vendor         YourSkipjackVendor

The active settings are:

Your account ID number, supplied by Skipjack when you sign up. Use the supplied HTML Serial Numbers (Nova or Vital) while testing in development mode. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_ID.
The developer ID of the system which interfaces with Skipjack. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_VENDOR.
The type of transaction to be run. Valid values are:
     Interchange         Skipjack
     ----------------    -----------------
         sale                sale
         recurring           recurring

Default is "sale".

If you wish to do a recurring charge, you will have to ensure that the following Interchange values are set properly:

         Interchange variable     Skipjack variable
         --------------------     -----------------
         recurring_item           rtItemNumber
         recurring_desc           rtItemDescription
         recurring_start_date     rtStartingDate
         recurring_frequency      rtFrequency
         recurring_transactions   rtTotalTransactions
         recurring_comment        rtComment
If you set the "test" parameter, Interchange will remap some values and the URL for the transaction to point to the Skipjack test server. It will return a valid transaction if all is working.
To generate errors in test mode only, set the parameter "generate_error" to one of the following values (error it generates in parenthesese):
         number   (invalid credit card number)
         avs      (will succeed, but generate AVS message)
         exp      (expired card)
         id       (invalid Skipjack account?)
         vendor   (invalid vendor?)

The following should rarely be used, as the supplied defaults are usually correct.

This remaps the form variable names to the ones needed by Skipjack. See the "Payment Settings" heading in the Interchange documentation for use.
The Skipjack URL to submit to. Default is:

Add the following to catalog.cfg while in development mode:

         Route skipjack submit_url ''


Try the instructions above, then enable test mode:
         Route skipjack  test           1

A test order should complete.

Then set a generate error

         Route skipjack  test           1
         Route skipjack  generate_error number

and try a sale. The sale should be denied, and the reason should be in [data session payment_error].

If nothing works:

Make sure you ``Require''d the module in interchange.cfg:
     Require module Vend::Payment::Skipjack
Make sure either Net::SSLeay or Crypt::SSLeay and LWP::UserAgent are installed and working. You can test to see whether your Perl thinks they are:
     perl -MNet::SSLeay -e 'print "It works\n"'


     perl -MLWP::UserAgent -MCrypt::SSLeay -e 'print "It works\n"'

If either one prints ``It works.'' and returns to the prompt you should be OK (presuming they are in working order otherwise).

Check the error logs, both catalog and global.
Make sure you set your account ID properly.
Try an order, then put this code in a page:
         my $string = $Tag->uneval( { ref => $Session->{payment_result} });
         $string =~ s/{/{\n/;
         $string =~ s/,/,\n/g;
         return $string;

That should show what happened.

If all else fails, consultants are available to help with integration for a fee. See


There is actually nothing *in* Vend::Payment::Skipjack. It changes packages to Vend::Payment and places things there.


Originally developed by New York Connect Net ( Michael Bacarella <>

Modified for by by Troy Davis <>

LWP/Crypt::SSLeay interface code by Matthew Schick, <>.

Interchange implementation by Mike Heins.