
Langue: en

Version: 2009-05-07 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


XML::Feed::Entry - Entry/item in a syndication feed


     ## $feed is an XML::Feed object.
     for my $entry ($feed->entries) {
         print $entry->title, "\n", $entry->summary, "\n\n";


XML::Feed::Entry represents an entry/item in an XML::Feed syndication feed.



Creates a new XML::Feed::Entry object in the format $format, which should be either RSS or Atom.


Converts the XML::Feed::Entry object into the $format format, and returns the new object.

$entry->title([ $title ])

The title of the entry.

$entry->base([ $base ])

The url base of the entry.

$entry->link([ $uri ])

The permalink of the entry, in most cases, except in cases where it points instead to an offsite URI referenced in the entry.

$entry->content([ $content ])

Bn XML::Feed::Content object representing the full entry body, or as much as is available in the feed.

In RSS feeds, this method will look first for http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/#encoded and http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#body elements, then fall back to a <description> element.

$entry->summary([ $summary ])

An XML::Feed::Content object representing a short summary of the entry. Possibly.

Since RSS feeds do not have the idea of a summary separate from the entry body, this may not always be what you want. If the entry contains both a <description> element and another element typically used for the full content of the entry---either http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/body or http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/#encoded--we treat that as the summary. Otherwise, we assume that there isn't a summary, and return an XML::Feed::Content object with an empty string in the body.

$entry->category([ $category ])

The category in which the entry was posted.

Returns a list of categories if called in array context or the first category if called in scalar context.

WARNING It's possible this API might change to have an add_category instead.

$entry->tags([ $tag ])

A synonym for category;

$entry->author([ $author ])

The name or email address of the person who posted the entry.

$entry->id([ $id ])

The unique ID of the entry.

$entry->issued([ $issued ])

A DateTime object representing the date and time at which the entry was posted.

If present, $issued should be a DateTime object.

$entry->modified([ $modified ])

A DateTime object representing the last-modified date of the entry.

If present, $modified should be a DateTime object.


Take an entry in its native format and turn it into an XML::Feed::Entry object.


Take an XML::Feed::Entry object and turn it into its native format. Please see the XML::Feed manpage for author, copyright, and license information.