
Langue: en

Version: 2004-04-04 (openSuse - 09/10/07)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


XML::Stream::Node - Functions to make building and parsing the tree easier to work with.


  Just a collection of functions that do not need to be in memory if you

choose one of the other methods of data storage.

  This creates a hierarchy of Perl objects and provides various methods

to manipulate the structure of the tree.  It is much like the C library



The result of parsing:

  <foo><head id="a">Hello <em>there</em></head><bar>Howdy<ref/></bar>do</foo>

would be:

  [ tag:       foo

    att:       {}

    children:  [ tag:      head

                 att:      {id=>"a"}

                 children: [ tag:      "__xmlstream__:node:cdata"

                             children: "Hello "


                           [ tag:      em

                             children: [ tag:      "__xmlstream__:node:cdata"

                                         children: "there"




               [ tag:      bar

                 children: [ tag:      "__xmlstream__:node:cdata"

                             children: "Howdy "


                           [ tag:      ref



               [ tag:      "__xmlstream__:node:cdata"

                 children: "do"




  new()          - creates a new node.  If you specify tag, then the root

  new(tag)         tag is set.  If you specify data, then cdata is added

  new(tag,cdata)   to the node as well.  Returns the created node.

  get_tag() - returns the root tag of the node.

  set_tag(tag) - set the root tag of the node to tag.

  add_child(node)      - adds the specified node as a child to the current

  add_child(tag)         node, or creates a new node with the specified tag

  add_child(tag,cdata)   as the root node.  Returns the node added.

  remove_child(node) - removes the child node from the current node.

  remove_cdata() - removes all of the cdata children from the current node.

  add_cdata(string) - adds the string as cdata onto the current nodes

                      child list.

  get_cdata() - returns all of the cdata children concatenated together

                into one string.

  get_attrib(attrib) - returns the value of the attrib if it is valid,

                       or returns undef is attrib is not a real


  put_attrib(hash) - for each key/value pair specified, create an

                     attribute in the node.

  remove_attrib(attrib) - remove the specified attribute from the node.

  add_raw_xml(string,[string,...]) - directly add a string into the XML

                                     packet as the last child, with no


  get_raw_xml() - return all of the XML in a single string, undef if there

                  is no raw XML to include.

  remove_raw_xml() - remove all raw XML strings.

  children() - return all of the children of the node in a list.

  attrib() - returns a hash containing all of the attributes on this


  copy() - return a recursive copy of the node.

  XPath(path) - run XML::Stream::XPath on this node.

  XPathCheck(path) - run XML::Stream::XPath on this node and return 1 or 0

                     to see if it matches or not.

  GetXML() - return the node in XML string form.


By Ryan Eatmon in June 2002 for http://jabber.org/ This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.