
Langue: en

Version: 2003-10-01 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


YAML::Parser::Syck - Perl Wrapper for the YAML Parser Extension: libsyck


     use YAML::Parser::Syck;
     my $hash = YAML::Parser::Syck::Parse(<<'...');
     format: yaml
       name: Syck
       speed: Fast!
     - name: Why The Lucky Stiff
       code: libsyck
     - name: Brian Ingerson
       code: [YAML.pm, YAML::Parser::Syck]
     description: This simple XS module is a testament to
       the power of libsyck, which was originally written
       for the Ruby language.
     tasks left to do: &chart |
         brian     clark    oren    why
         -----     -----    ----    ---
         shout     beg      sneer   smile 
         total = YAML
     things we always do: *chart
     use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $hash;


     libsyck is a *gift* from a gifted Stiff named 'Why'.
     YAML::Parser::Syck is an XS module that binds libsyck to Perl.


You'll need to have libsyck installed on your system. See http://whytheluckystiff.net/syck/ for some details.


Please put notes here: http://yaml.kwiki.org/index.cgi?PerlYamlParserSyckHowto

Also see http://www.yaml.org if you are new to YAML.

NOTE from the author.

YAML.pm is showing its age. It works ok most of the time for simple stuff, and some medium stuff. It badly needs a rewrite. And I am working on that rewrite now. The new YAML.pm will have the same simple Dump/Load interface, but will also have much more advanced features like a streaming (node at a time) interface.

The new YAML.pm will also be ``pluggable''. That means that there can be any number of Parsers, Loaders, Dumpers and Emitters written for the framework. YAML::Parser::Syck will be one of the Parsers. There will also be a pure Perl Parser.

I have decided to release the module early so that people might benefit from it. On one hand this Parser is wonderful because it understands the entire current YAML Specification. On the other hand, my Perl wrapper code currently ignores all type information, so it will not be useful for deserializing classes. Be patient.

Still, I think this pre-alpha release is a cause for joy in the Perl YAML community.



You kidding? Don't run this code with out parental supervision and a *BIG* fire extinguisher.
   * Types are not supported.
   * Error reporting is poor.


Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org> Copyright (c) 2003. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>