
Langue: en

Version: 298385 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


gg-error, gii-error, ggi-error - GGI error definitions


 #include <ggi/errors.h>


GGI return code policy is usually (unless otherwise noted):
 == 0 on normal completion
  > 0 when giving additional hints or returning positiv integer data
  < 0 for errors

GGI error codes are of the form GGI_* and are guaranteed to be negative (except GGI_OK of course, which is guaranteed to be zero).

The following error codes are defined:

 GGI_OK                  0     /* All is well */
 GGI_ENOMEM            -20     /* Out of memory */
 GGI_ENOFILE           -21     /* File does not exist */
 GGI_ENODEVICE         -22     /* Input/Output device can not be opened */
 GGI_EARGREQ           -23     /* Required argument missing */
 GGI_EARGINVAL         -24     /* Invalid argument(s) */
 GGI_ENOTALLOC         -25     /* Trying to use or deallocate a resource that
                                  was not previously allocated */
 GGI_EFATAL            -26     /* Fatal error - the state of the target of
                                  the operation is undefined */
 GGI_EBADFILE          -27     /* Error reading (config) file */
 GGI_ENOSPACE          -28     /* Out of space / range */
 GGI_ENOFUNC           -29     /* Function not implemented */
 GGI_EBUSY             -30     /* Object is busy */
 GGI_ENOTFOUND         -31     /* The requested object was not found */
 GGI_EEXCLUSIVE        -32     /* Tried to get non-exclusive access to object
                                  which only supports exclusive access */
 GGI_ENOMATCH          -33     /* No matching entry found */
 GGI_EEVUNKNOWN        -40     /* Unknown event sent to or received from
                                  input source */
 GGI_EEVNOTARGET       -41     /* No apropriate target for for sent event */
 GGI_EEVOVERFLOW       -42     /* Overflow when queuing event */
 GGI_EUNKNOWN          -99     /* Unknown error */

The values -1 to -19 are reserved for extensions. See their error manpage for the details.