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Version: 38145 (fedora - 16/08/07)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


ipsec subnetof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return subnet number
ipsec hostof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return host part
ipsec broadcastof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return broadcast address


#include <freeswan.h>

struct in_addr subnetof(struct in_addr addr,
  struct in_addr mask);
struct in_addr hostof(struct in_addr addr,
  struct in_addr mask);
struct in_addr broadcastof(struct in_addr addr,
  struct in_addr mask);


These functions are obsolete; see ipsec_networkof(3) for their replacements.

Subnetof takes an Internet address and a subnet mask and returns the network part of the address (all in network byte order). Hostof similarly returns the host part, and broadcastof returns the broadcast address (all-1s convention) for the network.

These functions are provided to hide the Internet bit-munging inside an API, in hopes of easing the eventual transition to IPv6.


inet(3), ipsec_atosubnet(3)


Written for the FreeS/WAN project by Henry Spencer.


Calling functions for this is more costly than doing it yourself.