
Langue: en

Version: October 1, 1997 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


mlodebug - logical data structure contents debug function
man2html: unable to open or read file man1/alc_origin.1


 #include "mlo.h"
 void mlodebug(headpointer, structurename)
 void *headpointer;
 char *structurename;


Pointer to a structure to be displayed
Name of the structure to be explored


mlodebug allows a user interactive visualisation of the internal contents of the structural view of mbk.
Through the use of a small, but convenient, textual user interface, a step by step exploration of each fields of the data structure is made available. However, if the structure is big, it may be painful to use.
First of all, the contents of the expected struture is displayed, with its fields named as they appear in the appropriate header file. Then the user is prompted by a `>>' for an input.
The input may be either a field name, or a predefined symbol. Field names are to be typed the way they are displayed.
Predefined symbols are:
that quit the current debugging session.
that comes back to the previous structure.
returns to the root of the function invocation.
puts kind of a tag at the current position in the structure. It will be available later on to return to this position.
returns to the previous _stop position.

The debugger functions are easy to understand, so just try it!


 #include "mlo.h"
 void scan_n1_y()
    getlofig("n1_y", 'A');
    mlodebug(HEAD_LOFIG, "lofig");


mbk(1), lofig(3), locon(3), loins(3), losig(3), lotrs(3), locap(3), lores(3), loself(3), mphdebug(3).
man2html: unable to open or read file man1/alc_bug_report.1