
Langue: en

Version: 151384 (fedora - 04/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)



overview - Project overview The QuantLib project is at this time in beta status.

The following list is a (possibly outdated) overview of the existing code base.

The QuantLib-users and QuantLib-dev mailing lists are the preferred forum for proposals, suggestions and contributions regarding the future development of the library.

Date, calendars, and day count conventions

Date class.
Weekday, month, frequency, time unit enumerations.
Period class (eg. 1y, 30d, 2m, etc.)
IMM calculation.
More than 30 business calendars.
NullCalendar (no holidays) for theoretical calculations.
Joint calendars made up as holiday union or intersection of base calendars.
Rolling conventions: Preceding, ModifiedPreceding, Following, ModifiedFollowing, MonthEndReference.
Schedule class for date stream generation.
Day count conventions: Actual360, Actual365Fixed, ActualActual (Bond, ISDA, AFB), 30/360 (US, European, Italian), 1/1.


Linear, log-linear, and cubic spline interpolation.
Primitive, first and second derivative functions of cubic and linear interpolators.
Cubic spline end conditions: first derivative value, second derivative value, not-a-knot.
Monotone cubic spline with Hyman non-restrictive filter.
Bicubic spline and bilinear interpolations.
N-dimensional cubic spline interpolation.
Normal and cumulative normal distributions.
Inverse cumulative normal distribution: Moro and Acklam approximations.
Bivariate cumulative normal distribution.
Binomial coefficients, binomial distribution, cumulative binomial distribution, and Peizer-Pratt inversion (method 2.)
Chi square and non-central chi square distributions.
Beta functions.
Poisson and cumulative Poisson distributions.
Incomplete gamma functions.
Gamma distribution.
Integration algorithms: segment, trapezoid, mid-point trapezoid, Simpson, Gauss-Kronrod.
Error function.
General 1-D statistics: mean, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, error estimation, min, max.
Multi-dimensional (sequence) statistics: all the 1-D methods plus covariance, correlation, L2-discrepancy calculation, etc.
Risk measures for Gaussian and empirical distributions: semi-variance, regret, percentile, top percentile, value-at-risk, upside potential, shorfall, average shorfall, expected shortfall.
Array and matrix classes for algebra.
Singular value decomposition.
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors for symmetric matrices.
Cholesky decomposition.
Schur decomposition.
Spectral rank-reduced square root, spectral pseudo-square root.

1-dimensional solvers

Bisection, false position, Newton, bounded Newton, Ridder, secant, Brent.


Conjugate gradient, simplex, steepest descent, line search, Armijo line search, least squares.
Constrained (positive, boundary, etc.) and unconstrained optimization

Random-number generation

Uniform pseudo-random sequences: Knuth, L'Ecuyer, Mersenne twister.
Uniform quasi-random (low-discrepancy) sequences: Halton, Faure, Sobol up to dimension 21,200 (8,129,334 if you really want) with unit, J채ckel, Bradley-Fox, and Lemieux-Cieslak-Luttmer initialization numbers.
Randomized quasi-random sequences (in progress)
Randomized (shifted) low-discrepancy sequences.
Primitive polynomials modulo 2 up to dimension 18 (available up to dimension 27)
Gaussian random numbers from uniform random numbers using different algorithms: central limit theorem, Box-Muller, inverse cumulative (Moro and Acklam algorithms)


Bridge, composite, lazy object, observer/observable, singleton, strategy, visitor.

Finite differences

Mixed theta, implicit, explicit, and Crank-Nicolson 1-dimensional schemes.
Differential operators: $ D_{0} $, $ D_{+} $, $ D_{-} $, $ D_{+}D_{-} $.
Shout, Bermudan and American exercises.


Binomial trees: Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, Jarrow-Rudd, additive equiprobabilities, Trigeorgis, Tian, Leisen-Reimer.
Trinomial (interest-rate) tree.
Discretized asset.
Richardson extrapolation

Monte Carlo

One-factor and multi-factor path classes.
Path-generator classes: incremental and Brownian-bridge one-factor path generation, incremental multi-factor path generation.
General-purpose Monte Carlo model based on traits for path samples.
Antithetic variance-reduction technique.
Control variate technique.

Pricing engines

Analytic Black formula (plus greeks) for different payoffs.
Analytic formula for American-style digital options with payoff at expiry.
Analytic formula for American-style digital options with payoff at hit.
Monte Carlo simulation base engine.
Lattice short rate model base engine.
Engines for options described by 'vanilla' set of parameters: analytic digital American, analytic discrete-dividend European, analytic European, Barone-Adesi and Whaley approximation for American, Ju approximation for American, binomial (Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, Jarrow-Rudd, additive equiprobabilities, Trigeorgis, Tian, Leisen-Reimer), Bjerksund and Stensland approximation for American, integral European, Merton 76 jump-diffusion, Monte Carlo digital, Monte Carlo European, Bates and Heston models, finite-difference European, Bermudan and American.
Engines for options described by 'barrier' set of parameters: analytic down/up in/out, Monte Carlo down/up in/out
Engines for Asian options: analytic discrete geometric average-price, analytic continuous geometric average-price, Monte Carlo discrete arithmetic average-price, Monte Carlo discrete geometric average-price.
Engines for options described by 'cliquet' set of parameters: analytic, analytic performance.
Forward and forward-performance compound engines.
Quanto compound engine.
Quanto-forward and Quanto-forward-performance compound engines.
Basket engine: analytic Stulz engine for max/min on two assets, Monte Carlo engine (in progress).
Black model base class for vanilla interest rate derivatives
Cap/floor pricing engines: analytic Black model, analytic affine models, tree based engine.
Swaption pricing engines: analytic Black model, analytic affine models (Jamshidian), tree based engine.


Cliquet option
Analytic discrete geometric average-price option (European exercise).
Analytic discrete geometric average-strike option (European exercise).
Monte Carlo cliquet option.
Monte Carlo discrete arithmetic average-price option.
Monte Carlo discrete arithmetic average-strike option.
Monte Carlo Everest option.
Monte Carlo Himalaya option.
Monte Carlo max basket option.
Monte Carlo pagoda option.
Monte Carlo forward performance option.

Financial Instruments

Instrument base class: npv(), isExpired(), etc.
Interest-rate swap.
Zero-coupon, fixed-rate coupon, and floating-rate coupon bond.
Convertible bond.
One-asset option base class.
Asian option.
Barrier option.
Cliquet option.
Forward vanilla option.
Quanto vanilla option.
Quanto-forward vanilla option.
Vanilla option.
Multi-asset option base class.
Basket option.

Yield term structures

Term structure common interface.
Term structure classes based on discount, zero, or forward underlying description.
Term structure based on linear interpolation of zero yields.
Term structure based on log-linear interpolation of discounts.
Term structure based on constant flat forward.
Term structure based on piecewise-constant flat forwards with libor-futures-swap bootstrapping algorithm.
Spreaded term structures.
Forward-date implied term structure.


Interface for cap/floor Black volatility term structures (unstable).
Interface for swaption Black volatility term structures (unstable).
Interface for equity Black volatility term structures based on volatility or variance underlying description: constant, time-dependant curve, time-strike surface, forward date implied term structure.
Interface for equity local volatility term structures: constant, time-dependant curve, time-asset level surface (Gatheral's formula).

Short rate models

Single factor models: Hull-White, Black-Karasinski, Vasichek (untested), CIR (untested), Extended CIR (untested).
Two factor models: G2 (untested).

Test suite

Implemented by means of the Boost unit-test framework. More than 300 automated tests.


Index classes for handling of fixed-income libor indexes (fixings, forecasting, etc.)
Cash-flow class.
Currency class and enumeration.
Money class with automatic exchange-rate capabilities.
Output data formatters: long integers, Ordinal numerals, power of two, exponential, fixed digit, sequences, dates, etc.
Input data parsers.
Error classes and error handling.
Exercise classes: European, Bermudan, American
Payoff classes: plain, gap, asset-or-nothing, cash-or-nothing
Grid classes for handling of equally and unequally spaced grids.
History class for handling of historical data.
Quote class for mutable data.
Null types.
User-configurable flag to disable usage of deprecated classes.


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