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Version: 1.0.1 (ubuntu - 08/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)



math::rationalfunctions - Polynomial functions


package require Tcl ?8.4?

package require math::rationalfunctions ?1.0.1?

::math::rationalfunctions::rationalFunction num den

::math::rationalfunctions::ratioCmd num den

::math::rationalfunctions::evalRatio rational x

::math::rationalfunctions::addRatio ratio1 ratio2

::math::rationalfunctions::subRatio ratio1 ratio2

::math::rationalfunctions::multRatio ratio1 ratio2

::math::rationalfunctions::divRatio ratio1 ratio2

::math::rationalfunctions::derivPolyn ratio

::math::rationalfunctions::coeffsNumerator ratio

::math::rationalfunctions::coeffsDenominator ratio




This package deals with rational functions of one variable:

the basic arithmetic operations are extended to rational functions
computing the derivatives of these functions
evaluation through a general procedure or via specific procedures)


The package defines the following public procedures:
::math::rationalfunctions::rationalFunction num den
Return an (encoded) list that defines the rational function. A rational function
              1 + x^3
    f(x) = ------------
           1 + 2x + x^2
can be defined via:
    set f [::math::rationalfunctions::rationalFunction [list 1 0 0 1]  [list 1 2 1]]
num list Coefficients of the numerator of the rational
function (in ascending order)
den list Coefficients of the denominator of the rational
function (in ascending order)
::math::rationalfunctions::ratioCmd num den
Create a new procedure that evaluates the rational function. The name of the function is automatically generated. Useful if you need to evaluate the function many times, as the procedure consists of a single [expr] command.
num list Coefficients of the numerator of the rational
function (in ascending order)
den list Coefficients of the denominator of the rational
function (in ascending order)
::math::rationalfunctions::evalRatio rational x
Evaluate the rational function at x.
rational list The rational function's definition (as returned
by the rationalFunction command). order)
x float The coordinate at which to evaluate the function
::math::rationalfunctions::addRatio ratio1 ratio2
Return a new rational function which is the sum of the two others.
ratio1 list The first rational function operand
ratio2 list The second rational function operand
::math::rationalfunctions::subRatio ratio1 ratio2
Return a new rational function which is the difference of the two others.
ratio1 list The first rational function operand
ratio2 list The second rational function operand
::math::rationalfunctions::multRatio ratio1 ratio2
Return a new rational function which is the product of the two others. If one of the arguments is a scalar value, the other rational function is simply scaled.
ratio1 list The first rational function operand or a scalar
ratio2 list The second rational function operand or a scalar
::math::rationalfunctions::divRatio ratio1 ratio2
Divide the first rational function by the second rational function and return the result. The remainder is dropped
ratio1 list The first rational function operand
ratio2 list The second rational function operand
::math::rationalfunctions::derivPolyn ratio
Differentiate the rational function and return the result.
ratio list The rational function to be differentiated
::math::rationalfunctions::coeffsNumerator ratio
Return the coefficients of the numerator of the rational function.
ratio list The rational function to be examined
::math::rationalfunctions::coeffsDenominator ratio
Return the coefficients of the denominator of the rational function.
ratio list The rational function to be examined


The implementation of the rational functions relies on the math::polynomials package. For further remarks see the documentation on that package.


This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category math :: rationalfunctions of the Tcllib SF Trackers [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


math, rational functions
 Copyright (c) 2005 Arjen Markus <arjenmarkus@users.sourceforge.net>