
Langue: en

Version: 325442 (ubuntu - 08/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


ssh_sftpd - SSH FTP server.


This module implements an SFTP server.


listen(Port) -> {ok, Pid}|{error, Error}
listen(Port, Options) -> {ok, Pid}|{error, Error}
listen(Addr, Port, Options) -> {ok, Pid}|{error, Error}

Port = integer()
Addr = string()
Options = [{Option, Value}]

Starts an SFTP server on the given port. The server listens for connection of an SFTP client.
Options are:
{cwd, String}:
Sets the initial current working directory for the server.
{file_handler, CallbackModule}:
Determines which module to call for communicating with the file server. Default value is ssh_sftpd_file that uses the file and filelib API:s to access the standard OTP file server. This option may be used to plug in the use of other file servers.
{root, String}:
Sets the sftp root directory. The user will then not be able to see any files above this root. If for instance the root is set to /tmp the user will see this directory as / and if the user does cd /etc the user will end up in /tmp/etc.

For more options, see ssh_cm:listen.