
Langue: en

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Version: 348773 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)



std::tr1 -

ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1.



namespace __detail


struct __is_location_invariant

struct __is_member_pointer_helper
struct _Derives_from_binary_function
Determines if the type _Tp derives from binary_function.
struct _Derives_from_unary_function
Determines if the type _Tp derives from unary_function.
struct _Fnv_hash
Dummy generic implementation (for sizeof(size_t) != 4, 8).
class _Function_base
Base class of all polymorphic function object wrappers.
struct _Function_to_function_pointer
Turns a function type into a function pointer type.
class _Has_result_type_helper

struct _Index_tuple

struct _Maybe_get_result_type
If we have found a result_type, extract it.
struct _Maybe_unary_or_binary_function

struct _Maybe_unary_or_binary_function< _Res, _T1 >
Derives from unary_function, as appropriate.
struct _Maybe_unary_or_binary_function< _Res, _T1, _T2 >
Derives from binary_function, as appropriate.
struct _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer

struct _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Tp _Class::* >

class _Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const >
Implementation of mem_fn for const member function pointers.
class _Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const volatile >
Implementation of mem_fn for const volatile member function pointers.
class _Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) volatile >
Implementation of mem_fn for volatile member function pointers.
class _Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...)>
Implementation of mem_fn for member function pointers.
class _Mu< _Arg, false, false >

class _Mu< _Arg, false, true >

class _Mu< _Arg, true, false >

class _Mu< reference_wrapper< _Tp >, false, false >

struct _Placeholder
The type of placeholder objects defined by libstdc++.
struct _Reference_wrapper_base

struct _Result_of_impl< false, _Functor()>

struct _Result_of_impl< false, _Functor(_ArgTypes...)>

struct _Result_of_impl< true, _Functor(_ArgTypes...)>
We already know the result type for Functor; use it.
struct _Safe_tuple_element

struct _Safe_tuple_element_impl

struct _Safe_tuple_element_impl< __i, _Tuple, false >

struct _Tuple_impl< _Idx >

struct _Tuple_impl< _Idx, _Head, _Tail...>

struct _Weak_result_type

struct _Weak_result_type_impl

struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(&)(_ArgTypes...)>
Retrieve the result type for a function reference.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(*)(_ArgTypes...)>
Retrieve the result type for a function pointer.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_ArgTypes...)>
Retrieve the result type for a function type.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const >
Retrieve result type for a const member function pointer.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const volatile >
Retrieve result type for a const volatile member function pointer.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) volatile >
Retrieve result type for a volatile member function pointer.
struct _Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...)>
Retrieve result type for a member function pointer.
struct add_const
struct add_cv
struct add_pointer
struct add_volatile
struct alignment_of
struct array
A standard container for storing a fixed size sequence of elements.
class bad_function_call
Exception class thrown when class template function's operator() is called with an empty target.
class basic_regex

class bernoulli_distribution
A Bernoulli random number distribution.
class binomial_distribution
A discrete binomial random number distribution.
class discard_block

class exponential_distribution
An exponential continuous distribution for random numbers.
struct extent
class function< _Res(_ArgTypes...)>
class function
class gamma_distribution
A gamma continuous distribution for random numbers.
class geometric_distribution
A discrete geometric random number distribution.
struct has_virtual_destructor
struct hash
Class template hash.
struct hash< _Tp * >
Partial specializations for pointer types.
struct integral_constant
struct is_abstract
struct is_arithmetic
struct is_array
struct is_bind_expression
Determines if the given type _Tp is a function object should be treated as a subexpression when evaluating calls to function objects returned by bind(). [TR1 3.6.1].
struct is_bind_expression< _Bind< _Signature > >
Class template _Bind is always a bind expression.
struct is_bind_expression< _Bind_result< _Result, _Signature > >
Class template _Bind_result is always a bind expression.
struct is_class
struct is_compound
struct is_const
struct is_empty
struct is_enum
struct is_floating_point
struct is_function
struct is_fundamental
struct is_integral
struct is_object
struct is_placeholder
Determines if the given type _Tp is a placeholder in a bind() expression and, if so, which placeholder it is. [TR1 3.6.2].
struct is_placeholder< _Placeholder< _Num > >

struct is_pointer
struct is_polymorphic
struct is_same
struct is_scalar
struct is_union
struct is_void
struct is_volatile
class linear_congruential
A model of a linear congruential random number generator.
class match_results
The results of a match or search operation.
class normal_distribution
A normal continuous distribution for random numbers.
class poisson_distribution
A discrete Poisson random number distribution.
class random_device

struct rank
class reference_wrapper
class regex_error
A regular expression exception class.

The regular expression library throws objects of this class on error. "
class regex_iterator

class regex_token_iterator

struct regex_traits
Describes aspects of a regular expression.
struct remove_all_extents
struct remove_const
struct remove_cv
struct remove_extent
struct remove_pointer
struct remove_volatile
class result_of< _Functor(_ArgTypes...)>

class sub_match

struct tuple_element< 0, tuple< _Head, _Tail...> >

struct tuple_element< __i, tuple< _Head, _Tail...> >

struct tuple_size< tuple< _Elements...> >
class tuple_size
class uniform_int
Uniform discrete distribution for random numbers. A discrete random distribution on the range $[min, max]$ with equal probability throughout the range.
class uniform_real
Uniform continuous distribution for random numbers.
class unordered_map
A standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys.
class unordered_multimap
A standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) that associates values of another type with the keys.
class unordered_multiset
A standard container composed of equivalent keys (possibly containing multiple of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves.
class unordered_set
A standard container composed of unique keys (containing at most one of each key value) in which the elements' keys are the elements themselves.
class variate_generator

class xor_combine


typedef match_results< const char * > cmatch

typedef regex_iterator< const char * > cregex_iterator

typedef regex_token_iterator< const char * > cregex_token_iterator

typedef sub_match< const char * > csub_match

typedef integral_constant< bool, false > false_type

typedef linear_congruential< unsigned long, 48271, 0, 2147483647 > minstd_rand

typedef linear_congruential< unsigned long, 16807, 0, 2147483647 > minstd_rand0

typedef mersenne_twister< unsigned long, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0dful, 11, 7, 0x9d2c5680ul, 15, 0xefc60000ul, 18 > mt19937

typedef discard_block< subtract_with_carry< unsigned long,(1UL<< 24), 10, 24 >, 223, 24 > ranlux3

typedef discard_block< subtract_with_carry_01< float, 24, 10, 24 >, 223, 24 > ranlux3_01

typedef discard_block< subtract_with_carry< unsigned long,(1UL<< 24), 10, 24 >, 389, 24 > ranlux4

typedef discard_block< subtract_with_carry_01< float, 24, 10, 24 >, 389, 24 > ranlux4_01

typedef subtract_with_carry_01< double, 48, 5, 12 > ranlux64_base_01

typedef subtract_with_carry_01< float, 24, 10, 24 > ranlux_base_01

typedef basic_regex< char > regex

typedef match_results< string::const_iterator > smatch

typedef regex_iterator< string::const_iterator > sregex_iterator

typedef regex_token_iterator< string::const_iterator > sregex_token_iterator

typedef sub_match< string::const_iterator > ssub_match

typedef integral_constant< bool, true > true_type

typedef match_results< const wchar_t * > wcmatch

typedef regex_iterator< const wchar_t * > wcregex_iterator

typedef regex_token_iterator< const wchar_t * > wcregex_token_iterator

typedef sub_match< const wchar_t * > wcsub_match

typedef basic_regex< wchar_t > wregex

typedef match_results< wstring::const_iterator > wsmatch

typedef regex_iterator< wstring::const_iterator > wsregex_iterator

typedef regex_token_iterator< wstring::const_iterator > wsregex_token_iterator

typedef sub_match< wstring::const_iterator > wssub_match


enum _Manager_operation { __get_type_info, __get_functor_ptr, __clone_functor, __destroy_functor }


template<typename _Functor > _Functor & __callable_functor (_Functor &__f)

template<typename _Member , typename _Class > _Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > __callable_functor (_Member _Class::*&__p)

template<typename _Member , typename _Class > _Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > __callable_functor (_Member _Class::*const &__p)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_acos (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_acosh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_asin (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_asinh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_atan (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > __complex_atanh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<int __i, typename _Head , typename... _Tail> __add_c_ref< _Head >::type __get_helper (const _Tuple_impl< __i, _Head, _Tail...> &__t)

template<int __i, typename _Head , typename... _Tail> __add_ref< _Head >::type __get_helper (_Tuple_impl< __i, _Head, _Tail...> &__t)

void __throw_bad_weak_ptr ()

_DEFINE_SPEC (2, __is_member_object_pointer_helper, _Tp _Cp::*,!is_function< _Tp >::value) template< typename _Tp > struct is_member_object_pointer

_DEFINE_SPEC (2, __is_member_function_pointer_helper, _Tp _Cp::*, is_function< _Tp >::value) template< typename _Tp > struct is_member_function_pointer

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > acos (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > acosh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type arg (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > asin (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > asinh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type assoc_laguerre (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x)

float assoc_laguerref (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, float __x)

long double assoc_laguerrel (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type assoc_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x)

float assoc_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __x)

long double assoc_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > atan (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > atanh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tpx , typename _Tpy > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpx, _Tpy >::__type beta (_Tpx __x, _Tpy __y)

float betaf (float __x, float __y)

long double betal (long double __x, long double __y)

template<typename _Functor , typename... _ArgTypes> _Bind< typename _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Functor >::type(_ArgTypes...)> bind (_Functor __f, _ArgTypes...__args)

template<typename _Result , typename _Functor , typename... _ArgTypes> _Bind_result< _Result, typename _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Functor >::type(_ArgTypes...)> bind (_Functor __f, _ArgTypes...__args)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type comp_ellint_1 (_Tp __k)

float comp_ellint_1f (float __k)

long double comp_ellint_1l (long double __k)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type comp_ellint_2 (_Tp __k)

float comp_ellint_2f (float __k)

long double comp_ellint_2l (long double __k)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpn >::__type comp_ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu)

float comp_ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu)

long double comp_ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu)

template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpc , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tpa, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type conf_hyperg (_Tpa __a, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x)

float conf_hypergf (float __a, float __c, float __x)

long double conf_hypergl (long double __a, long double __c, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type > conj (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Tp > reference_wrapper< const _Tp > cref (const _Tp &__t)

template<typename _Tp > reference_wrapper< const _Tp > cref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_i (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x)

float cyl_bessel_if (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_il (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_j (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x)

float cyl_bessel_jf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_jl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_k (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x)

float cyl_bessel_kf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_kl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_neumann (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x)

float cyl_neumannf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_neumannl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type ellint_1 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi)

float ellint_1f (float __k, float __phi)

long double ellint_1l (long double __k, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type ellint_2 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi)

float ellint_2f (float __k, float __phi)

long double ellint_2l (long double __k, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tp, _Tpn, _Tpp >::__type ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu, _Tpp __phi)

float ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu, float __phi)

long double ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type expint (_Tp __x)

float expintf (float __x)

long double expintl (long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > _Tp fabs (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z)

template<int __i, typename... _Elements> __add_ref< typename tuple_element< __i, tuple< _Elements...> >::type >::type get (tuple< _Elements...> &__t)

template<int __i, typename... _Elements> __add_c_ref< typename tuple_element< __i, tuple< _Elements...> >::type >::type get (const tuple< _Elements...> &__t)

template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> _Tp & get (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr)

template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> const _Tp & get (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr)

template<std::size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > tuple_element< _Int, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & get (std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in)

template<std::size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > const tuple_element< _Int, std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & get (const std::pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type hermite (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x)

float hermitef (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double hermitel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpb , typename _Tpc , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_4< _Tpa, _Tpb, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type hyperg (_Tpa __a, _Tpb __b, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x)

float hypergf (float __a, float __b, float __c, float __x)

long double hypergl (long double __a, long double __b, long double __c, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type imag (_Tp)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type laguerre (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x)

float laguerref (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double laguerrel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type legendre (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x)

float legendref (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double legendrel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename... _Elements> tuple< typename __strip_reference_wrapper< _Elements >::__type...> make_tuple (_Elements...__args)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Class > _Mem_fn< _Tp _Class::* > mem_fn (_Tp _Class::*__pm)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type norm (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Signature > bool operator!= (const function< _Signature > &__f, _M_clear_type *)

template<typename _Signature > bool operator!= (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > &__f)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator!= (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator!= (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator!= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator!= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator!= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator!= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator!= (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator!= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Allocator > bool operator!= (const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m1, const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m2)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator!= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator< (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator< (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Ch_traits , class _Ch_alloc > bool operator< (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator< (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator< (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator< (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator< (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator< (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator< (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__a, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__b)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__x)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator , int __p, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , _IntType __m, int __s, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const subtract_with_carry< _IntType, __m, __s, __r > &__x)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Bi_iter > basic_ostream< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits > &__os, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__m)

template<class _UIntType , int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r, _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s, _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const mersenne_twister< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l > &__x)

template<class _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const linear_congruential< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lcr)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __s1, class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2 , int __s2, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const xor_combine< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __s1, _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, __s2 > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const uniform_int< _IntType > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const geometric_distribution< _IntType, _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const poisson_distribution< _IntType, _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const bernoulli_distribution &__x)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const uniform_real< _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const binomial_distribution< _IntType, _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _RealType , int __w, int __s, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const subtract_with_carry_01< _RealType, __w, __s, __r > &__x)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const normal_distribution< _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator<= (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator<= (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Ch_traits , class _Ch_alloc > bool operator<= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator<= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator<= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator<= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator<= (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator<= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator<= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _Signature > bool operator== (const function< _Signature > &__f, _M_clear_type *)

template<typename _Signature > bool operator== (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > &__f)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator== (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator== (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator== (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator== (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator== (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator== (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator== (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator== (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator== (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Allocator > bool operator== (const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m1, const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m2)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator> (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator> (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator> (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator> (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator> (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator> (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator> (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator> (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Ch_traits , class _Ch_alloc > bool operator> (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> bool operator>= (const tuple< _TElements...> &__t, const tuple< _UElements...> &__u)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator>= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator>= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__rhs)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> bool operator>= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Ch_traits , class _Ch_alloc > bool operator>= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator>= (typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const *__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc > bool operator>= (const basic_string< typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__lhs, const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__rhs)

template<typename _Bi_iter > bool operator>= (const sub_match< _Bi_iter > &__lhs, typename iterator_traits< _Bi_iter >::value_type const &__rhs)

template<typename _BiIter > bool operator>= (const sub_match< _BiIter > &__lhs, const sub_match< _BiIter > &__rhs)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, normal_distribution< _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _RealType , int __w, int __s, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, subtract_with_carry_01< _RealType, __w, __s, __r > &__x)

template<class _UIntType , int __w, int __n, int __m, int __r, _UIntType __a, int __u, int __s, _UIntType __b, int __t, _UIntType __c, int __l, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, mersenne_twister< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, uniform_int< _IntType > &__x)

template<class _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, linear_congruential< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lcr)

template<typename _IntType , typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, binomial_distribution< _IntType, _RealType > &__x)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator , int __p, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , _IntType __m, int __s, int __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, subtract_with_carry< _IntType, __m, __s, __r > &__x)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __s1, class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2 , int __s2, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, xor_combine< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __s1, _UniformRandomNumberGenerator2, __s2 > &__x)

template<typename _IntType , typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, poisson_distribution< _IntType, _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, uniform_real< _RealType > &__x)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > polar (const _Tp &__rho, const _Up &__theta)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > pow (const _Tp &__x, const std::complex< _Up > &__y)

float pow (float __x, float __y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const std::complex< _Up > &__y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type pow (_Tp __x, _Up __y)

long double pow (long double __x, long double __y)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const std::complex< _Tp > &__y)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y)

double pow (double __x, double __y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Up &__y)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex< _Tp > pow (const _Tp &__x, const std::complex< _Tp > &__y)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type real (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Tp > reference_wrapper< _Tp > ref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)

template<typename _Tp > reference_wrapper< _Tp > ref (_Tp &__t)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type riemann_zeta (_Tp __x)

float riemann_zetaf (float __x)

long double riemann_zetal (long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_bessel (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x)

float sph_besself (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double sph_bessell (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __theta)

float sph_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __theta)

long double sph_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __theta)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_neumann (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x)

float sph_neumannf (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double sph_neumannl (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc , bool __cache_hash_code> void swap (__unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__x, __unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc , bool __cache_hash_code> void swap (__unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__x, __unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__x, unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> void swap (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc , bool __cache_hash_code> void swap (__unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__x, __unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__x, unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__x, unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Allocator > void swap (match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__lhs, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__rhs)

template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > void swap (basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__lhs, basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__rhs)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__y)

template<typename _Signature > void swap (function< _Signature > &__x, function< _Signature > &__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc , bool __cache_hash_code> void swap (__unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__x, __unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc, __cache_hash_code > &__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > void swap (unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &&__x, unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y)

template<typename... _Elements> tuple< _Elements &...> tie (_Elements &...__args)

Matching, Searching, and Replacing


template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Allocator , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (const _Ch_type *__s, match_results< const _Ch_type *, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__s, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_type , class _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Str_allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_match (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Str_allocator > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_type , class _Allocator , class _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (const _Ch_type *__s, match_results< const _Ch_type *, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _String_allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _String_allocator > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > bool regex_search (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__s, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Allocator > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Out_iter , typename _Bi_iter , typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type > _Out_iter regex_replace (_Out_iter __out, _Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const basic_string< _Ch_type > &__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)

template<typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type > basic_string< _Ch_type > regex_replace (const basic_string< _Ch_type > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const basic_string< _Ch_type > &__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default)


__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< (!is_member_pointer< _Functor >::value &&!is_function< _Functor >::value &&!is_function< typename remove_pointer< _Functor >::type >::value), typename result_of< _Functor(_Args...)>::type >::__type __invoke (_Functor &__f, _Args &...__args)

Detailed Description

ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1.

Function Documentation

template<typename _Functor , typename... _ArgTypes> _Bind<typename _Maybe_wrap_member_pointer<_Functor>::type(_ArgTypes...)> std::tr1::bind (_Functor __f, _ArgTypes... __args) [inline]


Definition at line 1343 of file tr1_impl/functional.

Referenced by std::call_once().

template<typename _Tp , typename _Class > _Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*> std::tr1::mem_fn (_Tp _Class::* __pm) [inline]

Returns a function object that forwards to the member pointer pm.

Definition at line 794 of file tr1_impl/functional.

template<typename _Signature > bool std::tr1::operator!= (const function< _Signature > & __f, _M_clear_type *) [inline]

Compares a polymorphic function object wrapper against 0 (the NULL pointer). Returns:

false if the wrapper has no target, true otherwise

This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 2108 of file tr1_impl/functional.

template<typename _Signature > bool std::tr1::operator!= (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > & __f) [inline]This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 2114 of file tr1_impl/functional.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::tr1::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & __os, const bernoulli_distribution & __x)Inserts a bernoulli_distribution random number distribution __x into the output stream __os.


__os An output stream.
__x A bernoulli_distribution random number distribution.


The output stream with the state of __x inserted or in an error state.

Definition at line 823 of file random.tcc.

References std::ios_base::flags(), std::left(), and std::scientific().

template<typename _Signature > bool std::tr1::operator== (const function< _Signature > & __f, _M_clear_type *) [inline]

Compares a polymorphic function object wrapper against 0 (the NULL pointer). Returns:

true if the wrapper has no target, false otherwise

This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 2090 of file tr1_impl/functional.

template<typename _Signature > bool std::tr1::operator== (_M_clear_type *, const function< _Signature > & __f) [inline]This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 2096 of file tr1_impl/functional.

template<typename _Signature > void std::tr1::swap (function< _Signature > & __x, function< _Signature > & __y) [inline]

Swap the targets of two polymorphic function object wrappers. This function will not throw an exception.

Definition at line 2126 of file tr1_impl/functional.

Variable Documentation

__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< (is_pointer< _Functor >::value &&is_function< typename remove_pointer< _Functor >::type >::value), typename result_of< _Functor(_Args...)>::type >::__type std::tr1::__invoke [inline]Invoke a function object, which may be either a member pointer or a function object. The first parameter will tell which.

Definition at line 265 of file tr1_impl/functional.


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