
Langue: en

Version: 358401 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


tex2DARRAY - performs a texture lookup in a given sampler array may use pre computed derivatives and, in some cases, perform a shadow comparison.


   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, int texelOff)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float4 s)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float4 s, int texelOff)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy,
                     int texelOff)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float4 s, float dx, float dy)
   float4 tex2DARRAY(sampler2DARRAY samp, float4 s, float dx, float dy,
                     int texelOff)
   int4 tex2DARRAY(isampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s)
   int4 tex2DARRAY(isampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, int texelOff)
   int4 tex2DARRAY(isampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy)
   int4 tex2DARRAY(isampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy,
                   int texelOff)
   unsigned int4 tex2DARRAY(usampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s)
   unsigned int4 tex2DARRAY(usampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, int texelOff)
   unsigned int4 tex2DARRAY(usampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy)
   unsigned int4 tex2DARRAY(usampler2DARRAY samp, float3 s, float dx, float dy,
                            int texelOff)


Sampler array to look up.
Coordinates to perform the lookup. The value used to select the layer is passed immediatelly after the regular coordinates, if an extra coordinate is present it is used to perform a shadow comparison.
Pre computed derivative along the x axis.
Pre computed derivative along the y axis.
Offset to be added to obtain the final texel.


Performs a texture lookup in sampler samp using coordinates s, the texture to be sampled is selected from the layer specified in the coordinates. Also may use the derivatives dx and dy, the lookup may involve a shadow comparison and use texel offset texelOff to compute the final texel.


tex2DARRAY is only supported in gp4 and newer profiles.


tex2DARRAYbias, tex2DARRAYlod