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Version: 363286 (ubuntu - 25/10/10)
Section: 7 (Divers)
started - event signalling that a job is runningSYNOPSIS
The started event is generated by the Upstart init(8) daemon when an instance of a job has finished starting and is now running. The JOB environment variable contains the job name, and the INSTANCE environment variable contains the instance name which will be empty for single-instance jobs.init(8) emits this event as an informational signal, services and tasks started or stopped by this event will do so in parallel with other activity. It is typically combined with the stopping(7) event by services declaring a dependency.
Job configuration files may use the export stanza to export environment variables from their own environment into the started event. See init(5) for more details.
A service that wishes to depend on another service might use:-
start on started apache stop on stopping apache
A task that must be run after another task or service has been started might use:
start on started postgresql
starting(7) stopping(7) stopped(7) init(5)Contenus ©2006-2024 Benjamin Poulain
Design ©2006-2024 Maxime Vantorre