
Langue: en

Version: 07/05/06 (mandriva - 22/10/07)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


rmtstatus, rmtxstatus, _mtg2rmtg, _rmtg2mtg - request MTIOCGET on a connection to a remote tape server


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lrmt -lsocket -lnsl [ library ... ]

 #include <schily/librmt.h>
 #include <schily/rmtio.h>
 int rmtstatus(int remfd, struct mtget *mtp);
 int rmtxstatus(int remfd, struct rmtget *mtp);
 void _rmtg2mtg(struct mtget *mtp, struct rmtget *rmtp);
 int _mtg2rmtg(struct rmtget *rmtp, struct mtget *mtp);


rmtstatus() and rmtxstatus()
perform a MTIOCGET request to the remote server, remfd is a file descriptor previously obtained from a call to rmtgetconn(), struct mtget is the local magnetic tape status structure, struct rmtget is the enhanced magnetic tape status structure from librmt. rmtstatus() and rmtxstatus() will fail if there was no previous successful rmtopen() before. rmtstatus() and rmtxstatus() take care of using RMT protocol VERSION 1 if the remote side implements support for protocol version 1. The function rmtstatus() is outdated and should be avoided as the results in struct mtget will be the least common denominator of the local and remote variants of the structure. Use rmtxstatus() instead. The member mt_xflags in struct rmtget contains a bitmap that indicates which members of the structure contain valid values. See mtio(7) for more information.
converts a struct rmtget into a struct mtget.
converts a struct mtget into a struct rmtget and sets the member mt_xflags in struct rmtget to contain a bitmap that indicates which members of struct mtget are present in the local implementation.


rmtstatus() and rmtxstatus()
return a value >= 0 if the remote ioctl(f, MTIOCGET, struct mtget *) succeeds.


rmtstatus() and rmtxstatus() return -1 on error and set errno to the errno value retrieved from the remote server.
returns -1 if no value from the local struct mtget could be converted to the abstract struct rmtget.


 int     remfd;
 char    *remfn;
 char    host[256];
 struct rmtget rmtg;
 if ((remfn = rmtfilename(filename)) != NULL) {
         rmthostname(host, sizeof (host), filename);
         if ((remfd = rmtgetconn(host, iosize, 0)) < 0)
                 comerrno(EX_BAD, "Cannot get connection to '%s'.\n",
                         /* errno not valid !! */                host);
 if (rmtopen(remfd, remfn, mode) < 0)
         comerr("Cannot open '%s'.\n", remfn);
 if (rmtxstatus(remfd, &rmtg) < 0)
         comerr("Cannot retrieve magnetic tape status fom '%s'.\n", remfn);



rmt(1), rsh(1), ssh(1), rcmd(3), rmtinit(3), rmtdebug(3), rmthostname(3), rmtfilename(3), rmtgetconn(3), rmtopen(3), rmtioctl(3), rmtclose(3), rmtread(3), rmtwrite(3), rmtseek(3), rmtxstatus(3), rmtstatus(3), _mtg2rmtg(3), _rmtg2mtg(3), errmsgno(3), mtio(7)




If local and remote errno values do not match, programs may get confused.


 Joerg Schilling
 Seestr. 110
 D-13353 Berlin

Mail bugs and suggestions to:

schilling@fokus.fhg.de or js@cs.tu-berlin.de