Tout (en)

  • The Less-Powerful Intel Compute Stick With Ubuntu Will Soon Ship (Phoronix)
    Canonical confirmed today that the Intel Compute Stick preloaded with Ubuntu will go on sale next week at $110...
  • The Kubuntu Focus KDE Linux Laptop Arrives (Phoronix)
    Soft-announced earlier this week was the Kubuntu Focus as a high-end Linux laptop pre-loaded with the KDE flavor of Ubuntu. The Kubuntu Focus produced in cooperation with Mindshare Management, Kubuntu itself, and German manufacturer Tuxedo Computers will officially launch in January and begin shipping shortly thereafter while a review sample arrived in our lab today...
  • Project Darling Is Still Trying To Run macOS/OSX Software On Linux (Phoronix)
    Back in 2012 I wrote about Project Darling as an effort to run Mac OS X software on Linux -- to Wine is for Windows software on Linux, Darling is for Mac software on Linux. Work on Darling seems to have picked up recently after a brief hiatus...
  • GNOME 3.17.1 Released (Phoronix)
    Javier Jardón announced the official release of GNOME 3.17.1 on Sunday, the development milestone leading up to GNOME 3.18...
  • SteamOS: Desktop vs. Big Picture Mode Benchmarks (Phoronix)
    Curious if running Linux games via Steam's Big Picture Mode causes a performance impact over a conventional desktop session? Here's some benchmarks...
  • EXT4 & Btrfs Regressions In Linux 2.6.36 (Phoronix)
    Recently when benchmarking the Btrfs and EXT4 file-systems we were left surprised that the performance of the next-generation Btrfs file-system had regressed against EXT4 to the point where the evolutionary file-system is measurably faster in a greater number of disk benchmarks. In fact, even with solid-state drives and Btrfs offering an SSD optimized mode, it still conceded to EXT4. It turns out that in the Linux 2.6.35 kernel, Btrfs regressed. This regression should have been fixed with the Linux 2.6.36 kernel, but recently when benchmarking EXT4/Btrfs against ZFS-FUSE on a 2.6.36 development snapshot we found its performance to still be poor for Btrfs compared to EXT4. To confirm where these two most prominent Linux file-systems are at right now, we have new EXT4 and Btrfs performance results from the Linux 2.6.34, 2.6.35, and 2.6.36-rc3 kernels.

  • Antergos: An Easy, Quick Way To Try Out Arch Linux (Phoronix)
    I decided to give Antergos a whirl to see how this Arch Linux variant works. For those pressed for time or looking at an easy path for setting up an Arch Linux installation, Antergos seems to get the job done well.
  • GCC To Begin Implementing MMX Intrinsics With SSE Instructions (Phoronix)
    While current-generation Intel/AMD CPUs are still supporting the MMX SIMD instruction set from two decades ago, a set of GCC compiler patches are pending to begin implementing MMX intrinsics using SSE instructions...
  • Linux 5.5-rc6 Released With Some Notable Radeon Graphics Fixes Plus Other Random Work (Phoronix)
    Linus Torvalds has just issued Linux 5.5-rc6 as the latest test release ahead of the stable Linux 5.5 kernel due out in a few weeks...
  • Google Hired Another Linux Graphics Veteran To Work On Open-Source GPU Drivers (Phoronix)
    Google has another experienced open-source graphics driver developer on its staff and could mean further Linux graphics ecosystem improvements...