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Langue: en
Version: 334042 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)
Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)
eoutil - Command line utility to perform database and EOF oriented tasks.SYNOPSIS
eoutil command [command\-options]DESCRIPTION
This manual page describes briefly the eoutil command.eoutil is a command line utility that performs database and Enterprise Objects Framework-related tasks. It allows to connect to data sources, dump data from them or modify model features.
eoutil supports the following commands, with the corresponding command-options:
- •
- dump <model> [\-source <source> [sourcefile]] \-dest <dest> [destfile] [\-schemaCreate <options>] [\-schemaDrop <options>] [\-postI\ nstall] [\-force] [\-connDict <connection dictionary>] [\-entities <entities>] [\-excludedEntities <entities>] [\-modelGroup <modelGroup>] [\-ascii]
This command reads data from <source> and dumps it to <dest>. The dump may include bits of DML that create bits of database schema. The \-source flag is optional if only schema is to be created (i.e. no data is being dumped). The following is a list of possible values for each of the arguments in the command:
- •
- model -- must be the name of an eomodel or eomodeld file
- •
- source -- 'plist' (read from stdin unless source file is specified) or 'database' (uses model to connect)
- •
- sourcefile -- name of file to read plist from
- •
- dest -- 'plist' or 'script' (both are written to stdout unless destfile is specified) or 'database' (uses model to connect)
- •
- destfile -- name of file to write plist or script
- •
- options -- 'database', 'tables', 'primaryKeySupport', 'primaryKeyConstraints' or 'foreignKeyConstraints'
- •
- postInstall -- looks in the userInfo dictionary for an array of SQL strings to process after any schema creation and data dumping is done
- •
- force -- Do not quit processing after database error
- •
- connDict -- A substitute connection dictionary
- •
- entities -- a subset of the entities in the model (all are used by default)
- •
- excludedEntities -- a subset of the entities in the model which shall not be used (all are used by default)
- •
- modelGroup -- A list of models to create a model group. (Allows you to use models not in a framework. Model names must be absolute paths.)
- •
- ascii -- Convert all non-ASCII characters to their nearest ASCII equivalents.
- •
- convert <model> <adaptorName> <connectionDictionary> <outFileName>
This command converts the type mapping in a model for the data source specified by the connection dictionary URL. The connection dictionary in the new model is set to connectionDictionary.
- •
- model -- must be the name of an eomodel or eomodeld file
- •
- adaptorName -- PostgreSQL, FlatFile, etc.
- •
- connectionDictionary -- string in property list format representing a dictionary, specifying the database name for the data source (required) and username and password (if required by that data source).
- •
- outFileName -- the name of a directory to write the converted model
- •
- connect (<model> | (<adaptorName> <connectionDictionary>))
This command attempts to connect to a data source using the adaptor named adaptorName with connectionDictionary, or using the connection dictionary in model. It returns an exit status of 0 if successful and 1 otherwise. This is primarily useful for scripts.
- •
- model -- must be the name of an eomodel or eomodeld file
- •
- adaptorName -- PostgreSQL, FlatFile, etc.
- •
- connectionDictionary -- string in property list format representing a dictionary, specifying the database name for the data source (required) and username and password (if required by that data source).
# eoutil dump Movies.eomodeld \-source plist \-dest database \-schemaCreate tables primaryKeySupport foreignKeyConstraints < MovieData.plistCreates the tables in the database, reads data in plist format from,stdin stores the data in the database listed in the connection dictionary of model, creates primary key support in the database, and creates foreign key constraints corresponding to the relationship definitions.
# eoutil convert Movies.eomodeld PostgreSQL '{ databaseName = test; hostName = localhost; userName = postgres; password = postgres; }' M.eomodeld
Converts types in Movies.eomodeld file to PostgreSQL types and writes the converted model to ./M.eomodel
# eoutil connect PostgreSQL '{ databaseName = test; hostName = localhost; userName = postgres; password = postgres; }'
Attempts to connect to a PostgreSQL database on host localhost.
eoutil was written by Stephane Corthesy <>.This manual page was written by Federico Giménez Nieto <> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
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