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Version: 111192 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

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Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


fetchfile - fetch file(s) via O-SAFT protocol


fetchfile [ -lakdPriqQvVI ] [ -f user ] [ -s [user@]server ] [ -C[wr]=conffile ] filename

fetchfile [ -lakdPriqQvVI ] [ -f user ] [ -s [user@]server ] [ -C[wr]=conffile ] -n filenumber


fetchfile fetches files from a SAFT server to the local user spool.

In the SAFT server spool there must lay your sendfile public key to identify yourself. This key can be generated by the fetchfile -I command and has to be transfered to the SAFT server at the very first time. This prevents other people to steal your files.

You may list or fetch your files from the server. But remember, they are stored first in your local sendfile spool. You have to call receive to really receive them to your current directory.


Only list the files on the server.
Fetch all files.
Keep files on server after fetching.
Delete files without receiving.
Specify the file number instead of the file name.
Call receive automaticly afterwards.
-f user
Restrict file selection to this specifc user.
Show version information and exit.
Be verbose and show SAFT protocol messages.
Send files to stdout directly.
Ignore testing whether file has been already fetched.
Quiet mode 1: print no transfer messages.
Quiet mode 2: print no transfer, information or warning messages.
Initialize fetchfile and the pgp key pair.
-s [user@]host
Specify an alternate saft server and/or alternate user.
Read configuration file "config" or "restrictions" from server.
Write configuration file "config" or "restrictions" to server.


filename or filenumber
Specify the name of the file or its number (with option -n).


fetchfile -l

fetchfile -a

fetchfile -Cr=config -s saft.belwue.de


Your local spool directory.
Your local private spool directory if /var/spool/sendfile/$USER/ does not exist.
config, restrictions
Your configuration files for the server. See sendfile(1) for a description.


receive(1), sendfile(1), fetchfile(7), sendfiled(8).


Ulli Horlacher - framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de