
Langue: en

Version: October 2007 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


gtags-parser - print cross reference list for gtags.


gtags-parser [-bdenqrstvw] file ...


Gtags-parser print cross reference list for gtags(1) from the specified C, C++, yacc, java, PHP and Assembly source to standard output. Each line of output contains the object name, the line number which it appears, the file in which it is defined, and a line image separated by white-space. It's same with the output of ctags(1) with -x option.

Depending upon the options provided to gtags-parser, objects will consist of function definitions, function references and other symbols.

Files whose names end in '.c' or '.h' are assumed to be C source files and are searched for C style routine and macro definitions. Files whose names end in '.c++' '.cc' '.cpp' '.cxx' '.hxx' '.hpp' '.C' '.H' are assumed to be C++ source files. Files whose names end in '.y' are assumed to be YACC source files. Files whose names end in '.java' are assumed to be Java source files. Files whose names end in '.php' '.php3' '.phtml' are assumed to be PHP source files. Files whose names end in '.s' or '.S' are assumed to be Assembler source files. Other files are searched for C style definitions.

Yacc files each have a special tag. yyparse is the start of the second section of the yacc file.

This command is the default parser of GLOBAL source code tag system.


The following options are available:
-b, --begin-block
Force level 1 block to begin when reach a left brace at the first column. (C only)
-d, --define
Pick up not only function but also macro without argument as a definition.
-e, --end-block
Force level 1 block to end when reach a right brace at the first column. (C only)
-n, --no-tags
Suppress output of tags. It is useful to use with -w option.
-q, --quiet
Quiet mode.
-r, --reference
Locate function references instead of function definitions. 'GTAGS' is needed at the current directory. (C, C++ and Java source only) By default, locate function definitions.
-s, --symbol
Collect symbols other than functions. By default, locate function definitions.
-t, --typedef
Pick up not only function but also typedef name and enum member as a definition.
-v, --verbose
Verbose mode.
-w, --warning
Print warning message.
Language mapping. Each comma-separated map consists of the language name, a colon, and a list of file extensions. Default mapping is 'c:.c.h,yacc:.y,asm:.s.S,,,php:.php.php3.phtml'.

The -r and -s options override each other; the last one specified determines the method used.


Gtags-parser exits with a non 0 value if an error occurred, 0 otherwise. Duplicate objects are not considered errors.


global(1), gtags(1), htags(1).

GNU GLOBAL source code tag system


Gtags-parser relies on the input being well formed, and any syntactical errors will completely confuse it.

Assembler support is far from complete. Probably valid only for FreeBSD and Linux kernel source.


Tama Communications Corporation.


The gtags-parser(gctags) command appeared in FreeBSD 2.2.2.